Title: 中華二、三號衛星軌道測定之誤差分析
Error analysis of ROCSAT-2 and ROCSAT-3 orbits
Authors: 蕭泰中
Tai-Chang Shiau
Cheinway Hwang
Keywords: 中華衛星;誤差分析;Kaula的解析軌道理論;地位模式;模擬觀測資料;ROCSAT;error analysis;Kaula's linear orbit theory;geopotential model;simulated tracking data
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本研究以中華二、三號衛星的模擬觀測資料求解衛星軌道,用以分析軌道因初始狀態向量與各種擾動力模式所引起的誤差。實驗時,給定台灣追蹤站觀測資料中S波段的精度為0.16cm/sec、SLR精度為1cm,則:(1)只使用S波段觀測時,由於初始狀態向量所引起的誤差,對二號及三號400公里與800公里兩個高度時期的誤差量分別為4.11公尺、14.12公尺及5.42公尺。(2)S波段與SLR同時觀測時,則誤差量分別為33公分、92公分與6公分。而擾動力模式部分則根據Kaula(1966)的解析理論以EGM96球諧係數求解地位模式引起的誤差,二號的誤差量為0.56公尺。而三號400公里與800公里兩個高度期間,誤差量則分別為64.09公尺與1.69公尺。其他擾動力則以數值方式分析,假設固體潮、海潮、太陽輻射與空氣阻力等模式中分別有10%的相對誤差量,分別積分二號與三號兩個高度期間的軌道,則得到此四項擾動力模式對於衛星軌道一天的總誤差量分別為1.05公尺、211.06公尺與2.8公尺。如果具有全球的衛星追蹤資料可供利用,則藉由調整擾動力模式與經驗參數,可將誤差量降低至公尺等級,因此對於中華衛星系列未來高精度定軌的需求,本文強烈建議應於中華衛星系列上加裝反射稜鏡,並且於台灣設置一SLR追蹤站,以提高整體定軌精度。
In this study, we generate simulated tracking data of ROCSAT-2 and ROCSAT-3, which are then used to compute their orbits. The accuracies of such orbits due to errors in the initial state vectors and force models are assessed. Given noises of 0.16 cm/sec and 1 cm for S-band range rates and SLR ranges at tracking stations in Taiwan, the orbit errors due to initial state vectors for ROCSAT-2, ROCSAT-3 (400km) and ROCSAT-3 (800km) are (1) 4.11m, 14.12m and 5.42m, if only S-band is used (2) 33cm, 92cm and 6cm, if S-band and SLR are used. The orbit errors due to the EGM96 geopotential model for ROCSAT-2, ROCSAT-3 (400km) and ROCSAT-3 (800km) are 0.56m, 64.09m and 1.69m, which are derived from Kaula's linear orbit theory. Assuming a 10% model error in solid earth tide, ocean tide, solar radiation and air drag, the resulting orbit errors for ROCSAT-2, ROCSAT-3 (400km) and ROCSAT-3 (800km) are 1.05m, 211.06m, and 2.8m. If global tracking data are available, these errors can be reduced to meter level by modeling selected perturbing forces and empirical parameters. A SLR station in Taiwan and onboard SLR reflectors are highly recommended for precision orbit determinations of future ROC satellites.
Appears in Collections:Thesis