Title: 求職行為、工作滿足與離職傾向之相關研究--以半導體廠女性直接人員為例
The Relations Among Job Search Behavior, Job Satisfaction and intention of turnover
Authors: 鄭嘉翔
Jia-Shyang Jeng
Shang-Hwa Hsu
Keywords: 求職行為;工作滿足;離職傾向;job search behavior;job satisfaction;intention of turnover
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 由於目前半導體廠直接人員流動率高,使得公司面臨員工不足的問題,增加人事管理的困難及員工招募成本。本研究探討求職行為、工作滿足與離職傾向間之關係,希望瞭解求職行為使用的訊息來源及求職強度、工作滿足、離職傾向三者間的相關,做為半導體廠在招募員工、降低員工流動率時的參考。 研究變項中,求職行為在量測員工求職時使用的正式、非正式訊息管道及求職強度,工作滿足採用分為內在滿足與外在滿足兩個構面。離職傾向測量受試者離開或辭去現在工作或職務的傾向,本研究採用問卷調查蒐集資料,抽樣對象是新竹科學園區半導體廠直接人員,經統計分析後得出下述結論:1.求職行為中,求職強度與工作滿足有正向關係,使用訊息與工作滿足關係未達顯著;求職強度與離職傾向有負向關係,使用訊息與離職傾向關係未達顯著。2.工作滿足中,工作滿足與離職傾向有正向關係。3.各變項與人口統計特徵對離職傾向影響的重要性程度上,經過逐步回歸後,發現影響離職傾向最重要的因素依序是外在滿足、年齡、求職強度及教育程度,其中教育程度與離職傾向有顯著的負相關,其他四變項則與離職傾向有顯著的正相關。
Because of the high turnover rate of IC industry in Taiwan, the industries is now facing the problem of insufficiency of labors and have to increase the cost of recruiting. Besides, turnover also impact on the production and the cost of training. The purpose of this study was to realize the relationship among job search behavior, job satisfaction and intention of turnover. If we can recruit appropriate labors and improve job situation, maybe we can lower the turnover rate. This study adopted the method of questionnaire survey to collect data about job search behavior, job satisfaction and intention of turnover. In job search behavior, we measured the type and number of information source and job search intensity, and jon satisfaction measured internal satisfaction and external satisfaction. The questionnaire aimed at direct labor working in Hsinchu Industrial Park, We sent out 272 questionnaires and got 200 ones back. The job search intensity was correlated with job satisfaction and intention of turnover. Job satisfaction was correlated to intention of turnover. And by using stepwise regression, the primary predictive factors of intention of turnover are external satisfactions, age, job search intensity, and eduaction.
Appears in Collections:Thesis