Title: SNG衛星直播科技對電視新聞製作流程與內容影響之初探
The Study of SNG's (Satellite News Gathering) Influences on Television News Production Processes and Contents
Authors: 許瓊文
Chiung-Wen Hsu
Shieu-Chi Weng
Jia-Jung Tsui
Keywords: 衛星直播科技;電視新聞;現場直播;傳播科技;新聞製作;新聞內容;Satellite news gathering;Television news;Live report;Communication technology;News production;News contents
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: SNG衛星直播科技對電視新聞製作流程 與內容影響之初探 學生:許瓊文 指導老師:翁秀琪、崔家蓉 國立交通大學傳播研究所 摘 要 本研究主旨在探究無線、有線電視新聞部採用SNG衛星直播科技時,如何對原先製作流程產生影響進而使內容改變。研究者以電視新聞記者的實際經驗,再加上親身訪談有線、無線電視台新聞部門主管、文字與攝影記者,先瞭解國內電視新聞部門引進SNG使用的現況,並確認使用過程中發生改變的面向。再根據此一初步分析發展問卷,並且選定台灣目前已使用SNG的有線、無線電視台的部分主管與記者作為研究對象,包括:六家有線電視台以及四家無線電視台。 研究者採用問卷調查法與深度訪談法,問卷調查主要是瞭解研究對象關於SNG影響電視新聞製作流程與內容的認知,再依照台性、年資、教育背景等因素,分析研究對象是否因為變項的不同因而受到SNG不同的影響。然後,輔以深度訪談法進一步探討SNG影響新聞流程與內容改變的動態過程。問卷調查的有效回收問卷總計有264份,深度訪談的人數為16人。 研究結果發現,受訪者普遍認為新聞製作流程中,不論是編輯台作業的新聞調派、選擇新聞的價值與動機,或是新聞記者製作新聞所需要的時間、作業方式都與過去不同。更發現由於使用SNG讓新聞製作流程增加了新的需求。而受訪者本身的職位、相關年資與教育背景,以及所屬台的台性、專門新聞頻道和SNG專門編組的有無,也使受訪者對SNG影響的認知有所不同。 問卷結果解釋SNG帶來改變的事實,深度訪談則是探討SNG影響新聞製作流程和內容的動態過程和因素,除了SNG本身帶來新科技應用的適應問題和縮短傳輸時間,新聞工作者的工作負擔增加、複雜,以及新聞機構彼此的競爭,都是影響流程與內容的因素。訪談受訪者也提到要解決SNG所帶來的負面影響,必須調整新聞工作編制,給予記者職前訓練,及創新SNG的使用方式。 研究也發現各電視台運作SNG的模式不盡相同,從專門編制、任務編組到倉促成軍都有,研究者建議除了設置專門編組讓記者、工程人員、主管都能各司其職,避免太多負擔。另外,製作人制度更是一座溝通橋樑,兼顧新聞棚內長官與棚外記者的需求,並且控制新聞的品質,讓SNG不再被笑稱為Super No Good!
The Study of SNG's (Satellite News Gathering) Influences on Television News Production Processes and Contents Student: Chiung-Wen HSU Advisor: Shieu-Chi Weng Jia-Jung Tsui The Institute of Communication Studies National Chiao Tung University Abstract The main purpose of this study is to explore SNG's influences on the traditional TV news production and news contents, while the network and cable TV newsrooms increasingly take use of this new communication technology. The present researcher with knowledge and experiences of TV news journalism interviewed managers and journalists in both network and cable TV newsrooms to find out how SNG was adopted and its developmental processes. The findings of the interviews then served as a base for the researcher to develop her questionnaires. The subjects included the managers and journalists of network and cable TV newsrooms, which have already adopted SNG, including 6 cable TV and 4 network TV stations. The present researcher distributed questionnaires to the subjects and made in -depth interviews with them. The main purpose of the questionnaires is to realize the subjects' cognition on SNG's influences and then analyze the answers according to the variances of subjects, such as their companies, experiences, and background. Furthermore, the researcher used in-depth interviews to figure out the dynamic processes of SNG routines. The outcome of this study is that the subjects universally have awarded of the influences by SNG, both on the assign desk and news procedures, and they all consider new methods are essential base on current situation. But after compared their positions, experiences, education background, and their stations is or is not a 24 hours news channel, as well as task forces existence, the subjects’ recognition of impacts came out significantly different. From the findings of questionnaires, we are able to know the changing situations. But the in -depth interviews described the dynamic processes and the main factors. SNG itself does not only bring the new know-how, but also shorten the transmission time. Besides, SNG forces the news workers to take heavier and more sophisticated jobs and the competition becomes more fierily. The interviewees all emphasize an importance of task force and on-job training as solutions facing the side effects. There are different ways to use SNG. The present researcher recommends that TV news departments set up specific systems to clarify news works jobs. The idealist situation should appoint a special function producer as the bridge between the manager and journalists, communicating and controlling the quality of SNG live reports, which let SNG not longer stands for Super No Good!
Appears in Collections:Thesis