Title: 網路互評系統的學生群組分析
Networked Peer Assessment System:An Analysis of Student Segments
Authors: 劉旨峰
Eric Zhi Feng Liu
Dr. Shyan-Ming Yuan
Dr. Sunny S. J. Lin
Keywords: 網路教學;同儕互評;綜合;高層思考能力;Network teaching;Peer assessment;Synthesis;Deeper intellectual skills
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 近年來大學校園網路異常的熱絡,許多學生慣於上網尋找資料,或與志同道合的夥伴透過電腦連線交換意見,網路環境不但使自由蒐尋資料、自我學習的機會大增,學習群體更能自如地互動與討論,伙伴間的合作學習型態也出現多樣的面貌。近年來我們成立網路課程管理中心,將課程內容與相關資訊放上全球資訊網,並以專用的課程BBS站來吸引學生上網討論,增進師生與同學間的互動與溝通。架設此種網路學習支援環境在理念上是受到教育理論中建構主義、社會建構主義、與合作學習等觀點的肯定。 網路教學經驗中我們已獲得不少同學的正面回應,目前正在試行的網路同儕互評學習系統,著重於引發學生的綜合設計(網頁)、對他人作品進行審查評論、與自我測試出題等教育學上認定的高層思考能力,而這些高層能力是以往的教學環境難以培養的。我們期盼借網路之助,使高等教育因著人與資料、人與人的自由激盪,促成豐富而精緻的學習成果。
Students enrolling in computer science courses at National Chiao Tung University have responded positively to network teaching. The Networked Peer Assessment System currently under assess predominantly focuses on deeper intellectual skills based on educational theory, such as initiating a synthesis of students, as well as assessing and discussing the assignments of others. Moreover, conventional educational approaches have found it extremely difficult to cultivate such deeper intellectual skills. Therefore, this study adopts Internet resources to facilitate contact between individuals and information, assist in brainstorming between individuals, and generate meaningful learning in higher education.
Appears in Collections:Thesis