标题: | 以钻石模式建立国际港埠竞争力评估准则之研究 The Study of the Evaluating Criteria of the International Ports Competition by Applying the Porter's Diamond Model |
作者: | 徐慧芬 Hsu Huei-Fen 陳光華 謝尚行 Chen Quang-Hua Hsieh Shang-Hsing 運輸與物流管理學系 |
关键字: | 竞争力;港埠;钻石模式;评估准则;Competitive;Port;Diamond Model;Evaluating Criteria |
公开日期: | 1998 |
摘要: | 自从Michael E. Porter(1985)提出竞争优势(Competitive Advantage)理论后,许多学者即根据此一理论纷纷构建国家、产业、企业等组织的优势来源。Porter(1990)则又利用钻石模式,说明一个国家为何能在特定产业获得国际性成功;此钻石模式有六个决定性因子(determinants):(1)生产要素;(2)市场需求;(3)国内相关及支援供应产业;(4)企业的策略结构与竞争态势;(5)政府;及(6)机会。 “发展台湾成为亚太营运中心”--为我国因应日益竞争的内外在环境与寻求经济发展的再突破所拟定之跨世纪经济建设蓝图;其中又以推动“亚太海运中心”成功的机会最大,而其关键则在港埠竞争力的提升。国内外探讨港埠竞争力与港埠营运绩效之研究相当多,但从组织优势的角度切入者尚未得见。故本研究尝试以钻石模式理论为基础,构建有效港埠竞争力评估准则,藉以探讨亚太地区各港之竞争优势。研究分成以下四阶段进行: 第一阶段首先藉由竞争力、竞争优势、竞争力指标与港埠营运作业绩效指标等相关文献之回顾,依据钻石六个构面,除考量现有已被讨论过之评量准则外并加入各构面潜在有效准则总计58个。 第二阶段利用专家问卷粹选出29个准则,成为本研究讨论评估准则。 第三阶段透过AHP法计算各构面及准则间之相对权重,建立一个以钻石模式为基础之国际港埠竞争力评估模式。并以单变量变异数分析产官学三方意见是否具差异性。 第四阶段则以亚太地区香港、新加坡及台湾高雄、基隆、台中等港进行实证分析,评估各港竞争力高低。并以群落分析(Cluster Analysis)分成高中低三个竞争力群组,计算各港所属群组。 结果发现:以钻石模式评估国际港埠竞争力时, 各构面重要性依序为“生产要素”>“需求条件”>“政府”>“企业策略”>“相关及支援供应产业”>“机会”, 且产、官、学三方对于各阶层准则权重值之看法并不具显着差异性存在。若以亚太国际港埠竞争力为实证时, 我们发现:竞争力按高低排名分别为:新加坡第一,香港第二,高雄港第三,再来依序为台中港及新加坡。而利用集群分析技巧时,若分成“高竞争力”、“中竞争力”、“低竞争力”等三个集群时,具“高竞争力”之港埠组成包含:香港、新加坡港港。“中竞争力”港埠包含:高雄港与台中港。“低竞争力”港埠组成则包含:基隆港。 Professor Michael E. Porter (1990: Competitive Advantage of Nations) First propose the Diamond Model to explain why a nation can get international success in a specific industry. There are six determinants of the Diamond, which are (1)Factor Conditions, (2)Demand Conditions, (3)Related and Supporting Industries, (4)Firm Strategy, Structure nad Rivalry in the Country, (5)Government and (6)Chance. The main goal of Taiwan economic development plan cross centuries is to develop Taiwan to be the Asia-Pacific Operation Center. We have a great chance to make Taiwan "the Marine Transshipment Center", the key of success is to upgrade the competing capabilities of our ports. However, we need to know what are the specific items of the competitive advantage of ports? The study is trying to establish a class of efficient indices for evaluating the competitive advantage of ports, by applying Porter's Diamond Model. According to the six "cuts" of the Diamond, we consider the propose indices in related literatures and some potential indices of efficiency might be explored. We will extract efficient indices with the helps of expert questionnaire and calculate the relative weights between these indices. Then we will try to formulate an Evaluation Model of the competitiveness of international ports, based on Porter's Diamond. Finally, we will survey the competitive advantage of ports in Asia-Pacific area, and try to propose several alternatives of improvement for our ports. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/64258 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |