Title: 以鑽石模式建立國際港埠競爭力評估準則之研究
The Study of the Evaluating Criteria of the International Ports Competition by Applying the Porter's Diamond Model
Authors: 徐慧芬
Hsu Huei-Fen
Chen Quang-Hua
Hsieh Shang-Hsing
Keywords: 競爭力;港埠;鑽石模式;評估準則;Competitive;Port;Diamond Model;Evaluating Criteria
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 自從Michael E. Porter(1985)提出競爭優勢(Competitive Advantage)理論後,許多學者即根據此一理論紛紛構建國家、產業、企業等組織的優勢來源。Porter(1990)則又利用鑽石模式,說明一個國家為何能在特定產業獲得國際性成功;此鑽石模式有六個決定性因子(determinants):(1)生產要素;(2)市場需求;(3)國內相關及支援供應產業;(4)企業的策略結構與競爭態勢;(5)政府;及(6)機會。
第四階段則以亞太地區香港、新加坡及台灣高雄、基隆、台中等港進行實證分析,評估各港競爭力高低。並以群落分析(Cluster Analysis)分成高中低三個競爭力群組,計算各港所屬群組。
結果發現:以鑽石模式評估國際港埠競爭力時, 各構面重要性依序為「生產要素」>「需求條件」>「政府」>「企業策略」>「相關及支援供應產業」>「機會」, 且產、官、學三方對於各階層準則權重值之看法並不具顯著差異性存在。若以亞太國際港埠競爭力為實證時, 我們發現:競爭力按高低排名分別為:新加坡第一,香港第二,高雄港第三,再來依序為台中港及新加坡。而利用集群分析技巧時,若分成「高競爭力」、「中競爭力」、「低競爭力」等三個集群時,具「高競爭力」之港埠組成包含:香港、新加坡港港。「中競爭力」港埠包含:高雄港與台中港。「低競爭力」港埠組成則包含:基隆港。
Professor Michael E. Porter (1990: Competitive Advantage of Nations) First propose the Diamond Model to explain why a nation can get international success in a specific industry. There are six determinants of the Diamond, which are (1)Factor Conditions, (2)Demand Conditions, (3)Related and Supporting Industries, (4)Firm Strategy, Structure nad Rivalry in the Country, (5)Government and (6)Chance.
The main goal of Taiwan economic development plan cross centuries is to develop Taiwan to be the Asia-Pacific Operation Center. We have a great chance to make Taiwan "the Marine Transshipment Center", the key of success is to upgrade the competing capabilities of our ports. However, we need to know what are the specific items of the competitive advantage of ports?
The study is trying to establish a class of efficient indices for evaluating the competitive advantage of ports, by applying Porter's Diamond Model. According to the six "cuts" of the Diamond, we consider the propose indices in related literatures and some potential indices of efficiency might be explored. We will extract efficient indices with the helps of expert questionnaire and calculate the relative weights between these indices. Then we will try to formulate an Evaluation Model of the competitiveness of international ports, based on Porter's Diamond. Finally, we will survey the competitive advantage of ports in Asia-Pacific area, and try to propose several alternatives of improvement for our ports.
Appears in Collections:Thesis