标题: 化学气相沉积钨膜及矽化钨膜在极大型积体电路之应用
Chemical Vapor Deposited W and WSix Films for ULSI Application
作者: 王铭材
Wang Ming-Tsai
Chen Mao-Chieh
关键字: 化学气相沉积;扩散障碍层;铜;矽化钨;钨;CVD;WSix;Diffusion Barrier;Copper;W
公开日期: 1998
摘要: 本论文研究化学气相沉积钨膜(CVD-W)及矽化钨膜(CVD-WSix)在极大型积体电路之应用
,α-W 晶相钨膜与非晶相矽化钨膜可分别在SiH4/WF6流量比小于一与大于二之沉积条件
膜充当铜的扩散障碍层,可使Cu/WSix(50 nm)/p+-n二极体的高温稳定性达500℃。对矽化
件工作区的窗口内填充一层450 nm厚度的钨膜,然后再作矽化钨膜沉积及氮气电浆处理而
制成Cu/WSiN/WSix(75 nm)/W(450 nm)/p+-n结构的二极体,则其高温稳定性可达700℃以
上。 最后,
This thesis studies the properties and thermal stability of chemically vapor
deposited (CVD) W and WSix films. In addition, barrier capability of the W and
WSix films used as diffusion barrier between Al and Si substrate as well as Cu
and Si substrate are investigated, and the effects of in-situ N2 plasma treat-
ment on the barrier efffectiveness of the W and WSix films are also evaluatd.F
urthermore, a WSiN/WSix/W stack-layer structure is proposed to further improv-
e the barrier capability against Cu diffusion For compaarison, barrier proper-
ties of sputtered Ta and TaN films used as barriers are also investigated. Fi-
nally, a noval process thst combines selective CVD-W with chemical mechanical
polishing of W (W-CMP) technique is developed; moreover, an initial study of C
u-CMP is also included. To start with, properties of W and WSix films chemical
ly vapor deposited (CVD) at various deposited temperatures, chamber pressure,
and SiH4/WF6 reactant gas flow ratios are investigated. It is found that the a
-W phase and amorphous WSix phase can be obtained by the SiH4 reduction of WF6
with SiH4/WF6 flowratio lower than 1 and higher than 2, respectively. For the
WSix deposition process with a SiH4/WF6 flow rate higher than 2 and a total g
as pressure of 12mTorr, the activation energy of the CVD-WSix process is deter
mined to be 3.0 kcal/mole. The CVD-WSix film has a low residual stress, low el
ectrical resist-ivity, and excellent step coverage. For the applications of CV
D-WSix layers as diffusion barrier against Cu diffusion, the thermal stabil-it
y of Cu/WSix(50 nm)/p+-n junctions is investigated, in which the WSix layeris
depo+-n junction diodes heir composition and is decreasing with SiH4/WF6atio f
or the ratiosgreater than 3. For the amorphous WSix barrier layers deposited w
ith the SiH4-/WF6flow ratio of 3, the Cu/WSix(50 nm)/p+-n junction diodes are
able to sus-taina 30 min thermal annealing at temperatures up to 500 C without
causing degradation to the electrical charateristics. With an in-situ N2 plas
ma treat-ment applied to the WSix barrier, the Cu/WSiN/WSix(50 nm)/p+-n juncti
on diodesare able to remain inact up to at least 600 C. To improve the barrier
capability against Cu diffusion, the use of selective CVD-W(450 nm) layres as
well as WSiN/WSix(75 nm)/W(450 nm) stacked-layers are investigated. It is fou-
nd that the Cu/W(450 nm)/p+-n junction diodes are able to sustain a 30 min fu-
rance annealing up to 650 C without causing degradation in electrical charact-
eristics. The use of WSiN/WSix/W stacked-layers as diffusion layers further im
prove the thermal stability of Cu/WSiN/WSix/W/p+-n junction diodes up to at 70
0 C. Finally, chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) of W and Cu is investigated.
A novel process that combines CMP technique with selective CVD-W is used to r-
emove nail heads due to W overgrowth and W-particles on the surface of dielec-
tric due to selectivity loss. This novel process not only improve the through-
put of W-CMP dramatically, but also extends the pad lifetime and reduce the
consumption of slurry; thus, the process cost of W-CMP can be reduced. Copper
chemical mechanical polishing (Cu-CMP) is investigated using slurries conyain-
ing Al2O3 abrasive and various types and concentrations of oxidizer. The resu-
lts of this study indicate that the corrosion rate, polishing rate and surface
roughness of copper films are sensitively dependent on the type and concentra-
tion of oxidizer.