标题: A 125MHz 10位元之 CMOS 全差动取样并保持电路
A 125MHz 10-Bit CMOS Fully Differential Sample and Hold Circuit
作者: 黄启辉
Chi-Hui Huang
Jieh-Tsorng Wu
关键字: 取样;保持;类比数位转换器;Sample;Hold;Sample and Hold;ADC;Analog to Digital Converter
公开日期: 1998
摘要: 本篇论文描述一个 3.3V, 125MHz, 10 位元之 CMOS 全差动取样并保持电路,
它包含一高速运算放大器, 电容以及一些 MOS 开关.
高速运算放大器之架构乃采用全差动望远镜式叠串架构以得到 6 倍的时脉速度 (125MHz)之单一增益频宽并且
维持 61dB之低频增益.
当电路操作在时脉速度为 125MHz 时, 10 位元解析度之要求下, 输入信号频宽可达到 25MHz.
此全差动取样并保持电路是使用 TSMC 0.35um 1P4M CMOS 制程技术下线生产.
电源电压为 3.3V,
晶片面积为 1800 x 1800(um*um).
整个电路最大耗电量为 24.0mW.
This Thesis describes the design of a 3.3~V, 125~MHz, 10-bits CMOS
Fully Differential Sample and Hold circuit (S/H), which is to be mainly
intended for front-end use in high speed analog-to-digital converters.
The S/H is composed of a high speed operational amplifier, capacitors and
MOS switches.
The fully differential telescopic cascode amplifier architecture is used
in our design of the high speed operational amplifier. From the
simulation, 61dB DC gain is obtained, and the unity gain frequency of
the amplifier is over six times of the clock rate. The S/H architecture
uses a correlated-double-sampling scheme to reduce the effects of op-amp
offset and finite DC gain, and simultaneous it uses the
conception of parallelism to improve
the input signal bandwidth. It achieves 10-bits operation up to the 25MHz
at the clock rate of 125MHz with fully swing 2V.
The S/H has been fabricated with a TSMC 0.35um 1P4M CMOS technology.
Total power consumption is 24.0mW from a single 3.3V supply, and
the chip area measures 1800 x1800(um*um).