Title: 以鈦為金屬膜紅外線感測元之特殊製程
The special process of bolometer using titanium as the metal film
Authors: 蔡慶宗
Chin-Chon Tsai
謝 正 雄
許 世 英
Dr. Jin-Shown Shie
Dr. Hsih-Ying Hsu
Keywords: 紅外線感測元;鈦為金屬膜;bolometer;titanium
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本實驗是探討熱輻射感測器中的熱敏阻製程,實驗中以CMOS製程中的鈦金屬薄膜作為熱敏阻材料。實驗目地以尋找高TCR且符合CMOS製程為目標。本實驗嘗試兩種作法,一是鈦金屬膜在高真空環境下蒸鍍後在通氮氣的環境下進行快速熱退火。另一是在鈦金屬膜上以PE-oxide作為覆蓋層,之後再進行爐管退火。前者TCR最高為0.18%/℃,後者經過四小時退火後TCR維持在0.21%/℃。最後用一脈波產生電路對第二種製程所製作的弓形電阻(TCR=0.14%/℃)進行可靠度測試,在經過三億次的觸發後TCR從0.14%/℃變成0.125%/℃。
This research is using titanium of CMOS process as a thermister.The aim of research is to search high TCR and process compatible with CMOS process.We try two process;one is rapid thermal annealing in nitrogenous after Titanium deposited in high vaccum system ;The other is annealed after deposited SiO2.The best result of first process is 0.18%/℃,and the best result of second process is 0.21%/℃.We use a circuit generated square wave to trigger a device made by second process.After three hundred million trigger,the TCR value varies from 0.14%/℃ to 0.125%/℃.
Appears in Collections:Thesis