Title: 一個決策過程的系統式思考型構
A Framework for Systematic Thinking in Decision Process
Authors: 許芳銘
Fang-Ming Hsu
Ming-Yueh Tarng
Chyan Yang
Yin-Liang Chen
Keywords: 決策過程;思考型構;系統式思考;評估系統;系統設計;decision process;framework for thinking;systematic thinking;evaluation system;system design
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract:   為了應付人類決策思考內涵的複雜,過去之學者建立許多外顯的決策架構以引導決策者簡化問題的思考。不同的架構代表著不同的思考假設與方式,然而,若以認知改善做為討論問題思考過程的重點,則可以發現各種問題思考方式彼此之間是呈現一種相輔相成的情況。因此,值得提出一個有關決策思考架構的綜合性概念,以解釋決策問題現有各類思考的方式及內涵。
To face the complex content of decision-making, scholars have built many explicit frameworks for supporting the simplification process of problem thinking. Different assumption and methods lead to different framework. However, these frameworks are complementary from the cognitive perspective. Therefore, a synthesized framework is deserved for integrating these existing problem thinking and decision framework s.
This research used the stage result of thinking in decision processes to integrate and analyze the frameworks and cognitive attributes of related decision-making methods and tools. First, the three-dimension framework of human perception was used for proposing a fundamental framework for thinking in decision process. Then, the thinking concepts and methods of intuition, optimization, and simulation models were discussed by examples. Their corresponding meanings in the proposed framework were also introduced. Third, from the stage result of cognitive thinking that could not use trial-and-error experiment, this research built the framework for systematic thinking in decision process.
In the framework for systematic thinking, the evaluation activities of decision-maker are essential in decision process. Therefore, the appropriate representation of decision problem from the decision-maker's viewpoint acts an important role in the progress of decision-making. This research recognized this representation activities as a system formulation process and used system design concept to support the implementation of this process. The system design concept was emphasized and discussed carefully to highlight the implicit contents of previous researches.
Appears in Collections:Thesis