Title: 快速熱程序爐中晶圓及加熱系統之熱輻射性質量測
Measurement of Radiative Properties for Wafer and Heating System in Rapid Thermal Processing Furnace
Authors: 張謙成
Chien-Cheng Chang
Hsin-Sen Chu
Keywords: 快速熱程序爐;晶圓;熱輻射性質;加熱系統;鎢絲鹵素燈泡;RTP;Wafer;Radiative Properties;Heating System;Tungsten-Halogen Lamp
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 在近幾年來,整個微電子元件的發展都傾向於縮小積體電路線體尺寸,而在過去的五到十年間,由於材料科學的進步,更使得半導體製程技術快速的成長。因此傳統對流式加熱爐已無法滿足目前製程對精確度的要求,故一種新式的加熱系統及因應而生,即所謂的快速熱程序爐(RTP),其快速加熱的優點為製程帶來許多優點,提高了半導體的產能。雖然RTP有種種優點,但在溫度的均勻性方面仍有些許問題存在。 而本研究主要的目的便是針對RTP加熱系統中的加熱燈源進行研究,並藉由傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀(FTIR)實地量測燈源於不同電壓下的輻射頻譜,以及矽晶圓在常溫中的熱輻射性質。實驗之初,先利用黑體腔對FTIR光譜儀進行驗證,並將實驗量測值與理論值做一比較。而從燈源量測結果發現熱源的產生主要來自於燈內的鎢絲,波段集中在1 至4.5 之間;而在持續的加溫過程中石英燈殼亦會受熱成為另一個熱源,波段在3.5 至9 的範圍。此外,並對製程中所使用的矽晶圓,做其輻射性質的分析及量測。希望實驗所得到之結果,可以提供未來在此方面研究者的一項參考。
The current trends in the development of microelectronics are the decrease in the size of integrated circuit elements and fabrication processing controls of the thermal budget. This has stimulated a considerable interest in transient methods of thermal processing, which minimize the negative influence of high-temperature processes on semiconductor crystals. Over the past 5 to 10 years there has been rapid growth of research activity in this area for all types of processes. Integrated circuit manufacturing environment is constantly evolving to take advantage of new processing technologies. With an increasing number of processes that can be carried out by rapid thermal processing, the development of single wafer cluster processing tools will become increasingly more important in the future. The aim of this research is to analyze the heating system of rapid thermal processing (RTP) furnace. Furthermore, we have measured the radiative properties of wafer and heating source. Form the present experimental measurement results, it is found that the emission spectrum is superposed by three spectral curves located in the range of about 1~4.5 , 3.5~9 and 9~20 , respectively, corresponding to the emission from the tungsten filament, the warm quartz glass tube and the base. Increasing the voltage of the results is principally in good agreement with the Planck's distribution law and Wien's displacement law. The spectral peak output of these heating sources, corresponding tungsten filament temperatures from about 2000K to 2600K, range from 1.9~2.5 (4000~5200 ).
Appears in Collections:Thesis