Title: 利用雷射光解-時域解析-霍氏轉換紅外光譜法研究六羰基金屬 ( 鉻、鉬、鎢 ) 在環己烷溶液中之反應動力學
Kinetic Study of the Reactions of M(CO)6 ( M = Cr、Mo、W ) in Cyclohexane using Laser Photolysis-Time-Resolved Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Authors: 廖達文
Ta Wen Liao
Niann S. Wang
Keywords: 雷射光解;時域解析-霍氏轉換紅外光譜法;laser photolysis;time-resolved Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 我們利用雷射光解-時域解析-霍氏轉換紅外光譜法研究六羰基金屬 ( 鉻、鉬、鎢 ) 與配位基 ( 丙酮、苯、水 ) 在環己烷溶液中之反應動力學。
由時域解析-紅外吸收光譜中,測定了不穩定分子:M(CO)5S ( S:環己烷 ) 及 M(CO)5L ( L:丙酮、苯、水 ),在紅外光區之吸收位置及 M(CO)5S 與 L 之反應速率常數,其結果並與文獻值相比較。
Tne kinetics of the reactions of M(CO)6 ( M = Cr、Mo、W ) with ligands ( (CH3)2CO、C6H6、H2O ) in cyclohexane were studied using laser photolysis-time-resolved Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy technique.
We have assigned the absorption positions of transient species M(CO)5S ( S = cyclo-C6H12 ) and M(CO)5L ( L = (CH3)2CO、C6H6、H2O ) and determined the absolute rate coefficients for the reactions of M(CO)5S with ligands. Our results were compared with previous studies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis