Title: 管絃樂曲《水雲蘭亭》及其創作理念
"Lan-ting" for orchestra and its idea
Authors: 羅珮尹
Lo, Pei-yin
Wu, Ting-lien
Keywords: 水雲蘭亭;Lan-ting
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 管弦樂曲《水雲蘭亭》及其創作理念之論述 研究生︰ 羅 珮 尹 指導教授︰ 吳丁連 博士 國立交通大學 應用藝術研究所 摘 要 本論文將包括二個部份,一部份為管弦樂曲《水雲蘭亭》,另一部份則為說明此曲創作過程。 《水雲蘭亭》是一首為管弦樂團而創作的管弦樂作品,其形式為一個多樂章形式的架構。主要意念來自東晉書法文學家王羲之「蘭亭集序」之文章及其書法臨帖的感動所引發之。全曲試圖以寫意的手法,來表現文章中幽遠的氣息及書法中筆隨心動的美感哲學。 在創作過程論述部份,將說明對王羲之「蘭亭集序」的本文及其書法之感動,如何體現於音樂的過程。
Lan-ting and its Idea Student : Lo, Pei-yin Advisor : Dr. Wu, Ting-lien Institute of Applied Arts National Chiao-tung University ABSTRACT This thesis consists of two parts: one is of music composition itself Lan-ting, and the other is a monograph explaining the idea behind it. Lan-ting is scored for a symphonic orchestra which has only one movement.The main idea comes from “The preface of Lan-ting poem album“?which is compose by Wang, Si-zi–a calligrapher who also was outstanding in literature in Post-Chin dynasty.(265-419A.D.) In this piece, the composer tried to express far-remote atmosphere and the inspriation of calligraphic philosophy. And in the part of essay is related embodiment influence from my mind.
Appears in Collections:Thesis