标题: ECR-CVD 系统即时监控与晶圆传输之研究
Monitoring and Wafer-transferring of ECR-CVD System
作者: 李永清
Yung-Ching Li
Yon-Ping Chen
关键字: 化学气相沉积;阀门;Chemical Vapor Deposition;Gate Valve
公开日期: 1998
摘要: 本论文主要在于发展一套监控系统,用于电子回旋化学气相沉积(ECR-CVD)系统,让使用者经由主控电脑就能进行化学气相沉积系统的监控。整个监控系统由四个部份组成:主控电脑、前置腔体电脑、主控腔体电脑和机器手臂控制器。每个控制部份都是独立之程式架构,以RS-232为沟通连结介面,其中主控电脑方面,以Windows 95作业系统下的软体来负责全程的监控,并以图控方式显示由前置腔体电脑与主控腔体电脑所传回的监控资料。此监控软体具有以下之功能:(1)使用者可自己编辑制程控制程式,(2)可进行制程程序的监控,(3)可进行制程监控讯号的储存,(4)错误检测与警告,(5)具有密码保护功能。
A real time monitoring system for an ECR-CVD system is proposed in this thesis. This monitoring system includes the host computer, the pretreatment chamber computer, the growth chamber computer and the robot controller. The users can supervise the ECR-CVD system through the RS-232 serial communication port. The host computer, an industry personal computer, is designed as the host supervisor based on Windows 95 operation system and the graphical monitoring interface program to monitor and control the whole process of the ECR-CVD system via the current data feedback from the process chambers. This proposed program has the capabilities of (1) building up the recipe, (2) process monitoring, (3) data acquisition, (4) alarms and (5) basic system security.