标题: 以全球资讯网为基础之供应链管理资料撷取系统-应用SAP R/3
A Web-Based Data Extraction System for Supply Chain Management-Using SAP R/3
作者: 王界民
Chieh-Min Wang
Ruey-Shun Chen
关键字: 企业资源规划;供应链管理;资料撷取;ERP;SAP R/3;XML;Extraction;SCM
公开日期: 1999
摘要: 面对产业之竞争,许多公司更新了旧有的资讯系统以面对瞬息万变的环境挑战。但是,所导入的企业资源规划系统往往无法完全满足供应链管理之需求。
因此,本论文提出一个“应用SAP R/3,在供应链管理上以全球资讯网为基础的资料撷取”系统模型,利用网际网路、全球资讯网及相关之程式技术(ABAP/4 、XML),针对SAP R/3用户于资料撷取列印、资料撷取交换及资料撷取整合之需求建立一个开放式的资料撷取系统模型。
Facing increased competition and shrinking margins, many companies are replacing legacy systems with a new IT architecture designed to maintain a constant flow of information to all facets of its international operations. But, new ERP system is not always optimal for supply chain management.
This thesis presents a prototype of logistics flows and information extraction system between customers and vendors by using World Wide Web (WWW), XML with SAP R/3 programming technology (ABAP/4 Language).
Three kinds of benefits are approved for most of the supply chain system. They are
(1)To resolve the SAP SAPLPD performance issue exists in the Multi-Bytes Character Print with SAPWIN by developing a HTML Layout Set for the report printout.(2)To support business process improvement in customer service, logistics, planning and manufacturing through XML data interface embedded in the software solutions.(3)To provide a reliable and scalable information technology infrastructure which could fulfill data transparency and data consistency requirements.
As prototyping is set up. Through this running prototype, we demonstrate an open architecture of data extraction method. It can be used in data transparency and data consistency for a supply chain. Enterprise within multi database can improve information flows performance. It can solve data printing problem within many types of layout set for enterprise requirement.