标题: 应用于蜂巢系统整体服务之改良局部压缩分散式动态频道分配法则
Modified LP-DDCA for Integrated Service over Cellular System
作者: 谢一弘
Yi-Hung Hsieh
Po-Ning Chen
关键字: 蜂巢系统;分散式动态频道分配;LP-DDCA;Integrated Service;Cellular System
公开日期: 1999
摘要: 在这篇论文里,我们所考虑无线通讯蜂巢系统下的一个重要问题是有哪些频道分配法则(Channel Assignment Schemes)。且不同的频道分配法则可以改善多少通话阻塞率(new call blocking rate)和交接强迫中断率(handoff forced termination rate)是我们所要研究的。在未来将不只会有语音通话(voice calls)且数据通话(packet calls)的使用量将会日渐增加。所以需考虑的将会更复杂。我们专注在局部压缩分散式动态频道分配法则( Local Packing Distributed Dynamic Channel Assignment scheme )和防护频道法则( Guard Channel scheme )。将这两中法则结合,期望可以降低语音和数据交接强迫中断率。从我们的模拟结果得知,数据通话虽然会重传,但是其在交接时亦会产生阻塞,所以亦是可以提供对数据通话的交接保护,来降低数据交接强迫中断率( packet handoff forced termination rate ),以达到可接受的阻塞率。
In this thesis, we consider a hierarchical cellular system (HCS) with two tiers where macrcells in the high tier provide broad radio coverage and microcells in the low tier support system capacity, and both jointly serve users of di?erent mobility. One important issue in the system is how best a channel assignment scheme can be designed to reduce the probability of new call blocking as well as hando? call forced termination. As expected, this issue becomes more complex when both voice calls and data-packet calls are considered. To stem
on this issue, we focus on the Local Packing Distributed ynamic Channel Assignment (LP-DDCA) scheme and Guard Channel scheme, which are developed to smooth the hando calls. Speci?cally, we propose to combine the two schemes (with some modi?cations) to
reduce the probability of hando? call forced termination for both voice and data-packet call services, subject to a tisfactory level of new call (including voice and packet-data
calls) blocking rates. We conclude from our simulations that in order to have an acceptable hando? call forced termination rate, the packet-data calls, although they are often armed
with re-transmission, also need to be protected for their hando?.