标题: 个别与汇合VoIP讯务之实验评量
Experimental Assessment of VoIP Individual and Trunking Traffics
作者: 吴佳龙
Chia-Lung Wu
Po-Ning Chen
关键字: 实验评量;VoIP
公开日期: 1999
摘要: 我们发展一个以UDP为基础用于模拟不同类型软体闸道器之讯务行为的量测工具。两种软体闸道器的架构将被考量:第ㄧ类为多重连接架构,此架构下的每个VoIP通话皆会在网际网路上建立各自的session;另一类为汇合架构,在此架构下多个VoIP通话分享一个共用的网际网路session。在尽力式讯框服务的网际网路上,以双边且多使用者之讯务行为做为基础,进行我们的量测。由我们量测结果的长期与短期趋势,我们提出一些关于纯软体VoIP闸道器的实作考量。我们希望我们的量测与结论能给予VoIP服务提供者有益的参考。
We have developed a UDP-based measurement tool to simulate the VoIP traffic behavior of different types of software gateways. Two types of software gateway architectures are considered: multiple-connection, where each VoIP call induces an individual connected session over the Internet, and trunking, where multiple VoIP calls share a common Internet session. Our measurements are based upon the two-way multiple-users traffic behavior over the best-effort datagram services of the Internet. From long-term and short-term trends of our measurement, we point out some implementation considerations of pure software-based VoIP gateways. It is our hope that our measurements and conclusions can be a useful reference for the VoIP service providers over the Internet.