Title: 以系統觀點探討網路活動
A Study of Internet Activities: The Systems Perspective
Authors: 史富仁
Fu-Jen Shih
Charng-Horng Hsieh
Keywords: 網路;網際網路;網站管理;電子商務;系統;系統動態學;internet;internet business management;e-commerce;system;system dynamics
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 網路使得人類的生活與經濟活動有了重大的改變,同時也創造了許多新的問題與契機,因此本研究意圖了解網路的特性及現象、與網路事業的經營管理。由於網路衍生的現象及其成因十分複雜,數量多而且因果關係縱橫交錯,因此需要對網路作有系統的分析與了解。 一般探討網路的文章多是直接或片面地探討網路的宏觀現象或網站管理,而忽略了影響宏觀現象的根本因素,缺乏系統性。本研究的第二章以系統觀點分析網路的基本運作特性;第三章則據此推論網路活動的宏觀特性,釐清成因與現象之間的關係,並整理為一系統性的因果圖。第四章以流體的觀點分析網站經營管理的特性,提出網站經營的期望狀態,並參照前述分析所得的現實狀態,探討兩者間的落差及解決方案。 研究的結果顯示,網路活動具有競爭激烈、規模經濟效益顯著、環境變遷快、風險高等特性,因此市場型態經常性地循環於完全競爭與短期獨佔或寡佔。網站經營則受到正回饋環路的支配,使得大者恆大,故經營網站的第一要務就是儘速擴大網站的規模與流量,以期進入規模經濟的良性循環。但環境變遷快速使得此一狀態維持不易,故網站必需在規模擴大之後持續因應環境變化。
The internet changes human’s life styles and economic activities, creates a lot of problems and opportunities. This research attempts to understand the characteristics and phenomena of internet, and how to manage an internet business. But the phenomena and causes derived from internet are very complex, massive, and fuzzy, so we have to analyze it systematically. Usually the articles discussing internet do their jobs directly or unilaterally in macro view, without systematically analyze the basic causes. This research analyzes the operational characteristics by system approach in Chapter 2, reasons the macro-characteristics of internet activities and the casual relationships in chapter 3 on the basis of chapter 2. These characteristics and relationships will be assembled in a causal diagram. In Chapter 4, this research analyzes the web-site management characteristics by flow pattern, proposes the desire state of web-site management, points out the gap between the desire state and actual state mentioned in chapter 3,and discusses how to solve the problem. The conclusion is that internet activities have the characteristics: heavily competition, remarkably return with business scales, rapidly changing environment, and high risks. Such that, the internet markets pattern usually circulate between perfect competition market and short-term monopoly/oligopoly market. Besides, The internet business is under strong influences of positive feedback loops, which make a large scale web-site grow larger. Therefore, the most important thing of web-site management is to enlarge the scale and people flow for the recursive benefit of business scale. But the rapidly changing environment makes it hard to keep in this desire state, so a web-site has to continuously adapt to the environment change after enlargement.
Appears in Collections:Thesis