Title: 台灣地區啤酒市場消費行為及品牌競爭定位分析之研究
The Research of Consumer Behavior and Competitive Analysis of Brand Positioning on Taiwan Beer Market
Authors: 陳淑娟
Shwu-Chuan Chen
Sou-Shan Wu
Keywords: 啤酒;,產品屬性;品牌知覺;市場定位;beer;product attribute;brand perceived;market position
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 本文研究旨在瞭解台灣地區啤酒市場自由化後消費行為特性,瞭解消費者對本地及進口品牌啤酒產品屬性與品牌知覺間差憶異關係,並瞭解消費者對公賣局台灣啤酒系列產品之行銷反應,研擬台灣啤酒銷售之經營策略。 全文研究計分(一)緒論:說明研究背景動機,研究目的,研究範圍與對象,研究步驟與流程,啤酒產品分類,啤酒釀造過程及台灣啤酒生產流程。(二)台灣地區啤酒產業及市場特性分析:分析台灣地區啤酒產業發沿革,台灣地區啤酒市場開放概況及台灣地區啤酒市場特性分析。(三)消費者行為,產品屬性,品牌態度與涉入理論的探討及相關研究文獻探討,建立本研究之觀念性架構。(四)研究設計: 說明操作性研究架構,操作性變數,研究假設,研究工具與問卷設計,抽樣方法及樣本結構,資料分析方法及信度與效度。(五)資料分析與假說檢定,則進行消費者人口統計變數,對啤酒消費行為之相關分析,消費者對台啤系列產品行銷活動之反應,及消費者對台啤與進口啤酒形象定位之多元尺度分析,而獲致(六)結論與建議等六章。由問卷調查反應出台灣地區啤酒市場消費行為特性,以台灣啤酒系列產品,依消費行為,產品屬性,品牌態度與消費者人口統計及社經變數之性別、婚姻狀況、年齡層、教育程度、職業及居住地間均有顯著相關,並對台啤系列產品行銷活動反應之口味特色,產品包裝外觀感覺、價格、訊息來源 、電視廣告偏好度及對台啤廣告男女性代言人與新產品購買意願,均有相當程度之接受及反應。而在台灣啤酒與七家進口啤酒品牌態度與形象定位分析,以23項因素進行多元尺度分析,並以年齡層及居住地建立相似構形,分析發現台灣啤酒在消費者品牌形象定位係為較保守態度,今後宜在積極、創新及高品質方面強化定位,創造行銷利基。 本文研究依前述分析發現,對菸酒公賣局進行SWOT分析後分就經營體質及市場經營,提出未來啤酒銷售之經營策略。
The purpose of the study wants to understand consumer behavior,different product attributes and brand perception of Taiwan Beer and imported beers,and also to understand the consumer's reaction to the marketing efforts from the Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Board(TTWB)for Taiwan Beers. The study includes:(1)Introductions:backgrounds,motives, purpose,subjects,procedures and stages of the study,category of beers, and production process of beers; (2) the beer industry and market analysis in Taiwan: The development of Taiwan beer industry,deregulation of beer market,and market characteristics of Taiwan beer market;(3)theoretic concepts of consumer behavior,product attributes, brand attitude and involvement to the study;(4)design of the study:research framework hypothesis of the study,questionnaire survey sampling and statistical analysis;(5)data analysis and findings:consumer behavior and related demographics,consumer's reaction to marketing campaign of Taiwan Beers, and brand positioning to Taiwan Beers and imported beers,and(6)conclusions and suggestions. Based on survey, the study finds that consumer behavior and brand perception to Taiwan Beers have significantly affected from their demographics,such as gender,marriage status, age, education,occupation and residence,etc;and moderate acceptance to product attribute,packages,price,promotion and advertising campaign from Taiwan Beer marketing. Based on analysis of 23-factors multidimensional scaling, Taiwan Beers have greatly difference of brand attitude and image positioning from imported beers,and Taiwan Beers are more conservative from consumer's age and residence. To meet the competition of liberalization , Taiwan Beers must obtain the advantages on positive, innovation and high quality for marketing niche.
Appears in Collections:Thesis