Title: 自行車鋼索研究
Research on the Bicycle Cables
Authors: 謝耀旭
Yao-Hsu Hsieh
曾 錦 煥
Ching-Huan Tseng
Keywords: 鋼索;自行車;煞車;變速;煞車線;變速線;Cable;Wire;casing;housing;bicycle;brake;derailleur;bike
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 鋼索是自行車上用來傳遞能量的零件,但是傳遞能量的過程中,卻存在著摩擦力和伸長量的問題,造成能量的損失與控制的不精準。近年來,自行車的發展愈來愈強調功能性與舒適性,尤其是在變速器和煞車器上都有顯著的改進,於是鋼索能量損失與控制精準的問題也被凸顯出來。本文運用實驗的方法,來獲得鋼索在不同的配線方式與摩擦力、伸長量之間的關係。根據實驗的結果,找出鋼索配線方式,使鋼索對摩擦力和伸長量的影響降到最低,期望本文的實驗資料,對組車廠在組裝自行車時,能對解決鋼索配線的問題有幫助。
The bicycle cable used in a derailleur or a brake system is an important component of the bicycle for the energy transfer. The friction and elongation problems exist in the cable all the time and cause the energy loss and control imprecision. Recently, the developement of the bicycle emphasizes on the functional and comfortable requirements more and more. There is a long term improvement on the deurilleur and the brake systerms. Because of the improvement on these components, the problem of the energy loss and control imprecision becomes noteworthy. In this study, the experimental method is used to figure out the relationship between the cable arrangement and the friction or the elongation. According to these experimential results, it can set up the cable arrangements to lower the effect from the friction or elongation in the cables. Then, it can provide a data base to solve the problem about how to set up the cable arrangement.
Appears in Collections:Thesis