Title: 供應鏈執行系統之設計與實作:LOTOS/SMILE/Alliance解法
LOTOS/SMILE/Alliance Approach to Designing and Implementing Supply Chain Execution Systems
Authors: 李棟煌
Tung-Huang Lee
Gau-Rong Liang
Keywords: 供應鏈執行系統;互通系統計算法;SCES;CCS;LOTOS;SMILE;Alliance
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本論文提出一種結合LOTOS/SMILE/Alliance三種套裝軟體的新方法,用以設計並實作供應鏈執行系統(SCES)。在設計階段,本方法使用互通系統計算法(CCS)來整合供應鏈執行系統中各個夥伴間的作業流程。理論上,應用互通系統計算法於供應鏈執行系統時,包含了三種定律的使用,分別為動態律、靜態律、與擴展律。為了使整個設計程序自動化,動態律/靜態律、以及擴展律的運用分別以套裝軟體LOTOS與SMILE來代替。在實作階段,從設計階段所獲得的結果是以套裝軟體Alliance來執行。此外,本論文中也針對供應鏈管理系統與供應鏈執行系統之關係作了討論,文中亦提出多個例子證明本方法的適用性。
A new method combining three software packages LOTOS/SMILE/Alliance is proposed to design and implement Supply Chain Execution Systems (SCES). In the design phase, this approach uses Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) for integrating the workflow among the partners in an SCES. Theoretically applying the CCS to the SCES involves the use of three kinds of operations: dynamic laws, static laws, and expansion law. For automating this procedure, the use of the dynamic/static and expansion laws are replaced by software packages LOTOS and SMILE, individually. In the implementation phase, the result from the design phase is executed by the software package Alliance. Also the relationship between SCES and Suply Chain Management Systems is discussed. Many examples in this thesis show the feasibility of this new approach.
Appears in Collections:Thesis