Title: | 台灣地區製造業之限制理論管理知識實證研究 An Empirical Study of TOC Management Knowledge in Taiwan’s Manufacturing Industry |
Authors: | 洪立衡 Li-Heng Hong 李榮貴 Dr. Rong-Kwei Li 工業工程與管理學系 |
Keywords: | 限制理論;經營管理假設;Theory of Constraints;,Erroneous Management Assumptions |
Issue Date: | 2000 |
Abstract: | 透過對組織的管理與持續對組織各部份做評核,以保持組織的運作及效率,乃是承襲自工業革命以來的觀念。在今天,產業環境的快速變化與科技發展的日新月異,使得製造產業註定要不斷求新求變以持續創造競爭能力。然而管理階層對於經營管理的理念與對組織的評核,仍遵循以往的做法,導致達到績效優良的廠商,卻依然陷入營運危機。
限制理論(Theory Of Constraints;TOC)提出對於企業營運錯誤之經營管理假設,並提供解決之道與改變方法。本文針對這些假設,設計調查問卷以評估管理階層對於經營管理認知與執行之程度。除驗證限制理論所提出普遍存在於管理階層的錯誤管理觀念,並探討管理階層如何面對認知與執行有差距的狀況,與差距造成之原因。
經以製造業為例驗證,在組織中的確存在著追求局部最佳(Local Optimum)則整體績效(Global Optimum)亦能達到最佳的錯誤觀念,而績效衡量為造成此一現象的主要因素。透過本研究,期能對於所驗證出存在於企業營運的各項錯誤假設,提出解決之道。 To have high performance in every function is the key to keep an organization working effectively. It seems a common sense. However, we see those companies have high performance in each function still get bogged down in poor profitability. According to the TOC (Theory of Constraints), this common sense is caused by erroneous management assumptions. In order to test and verify those erroneous management assumptions, in this thesis, we conduct a field survey. The results conclude that those erroneous management assumptions do exist in the reality. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/66507 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |