标题: | 由技术与市场需求来探讨智慧型手持式装置之发展研究---以科学园区为例 From the Perspectives of Technology and Market Needs to Analyze the Development of Smart Handheld Devices---An Empirical Analysis of Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park |
作者: | 徐义建 Florey Hsu 袁建中 Benjamin J.C. Yuan 科技管理研究所 |
关键字: | 技术预测;智慧型手持式装置;商业化;Technology forecasting;Smart Handheld Devices;commercialized |
公开日期: | 2000 |
摘要: | 随着网际网路的快速兴起,造成Computer、Consumer、Communication等3C产业快速的整合。在这波趋势中,提供网际网路接取功能的产品成为现今最热门的产品。这些产品讲求低价位、且易于使用、具备连网、资讯存取功能,而智慧型手持式装置则是这些产品中成长速度最快的一项。根据IDC预测,全球整体智慧型手持式装置产量逐年增加,从2000年约1,030.2万台成长到2004年的4,541.9万台,年复合成长率达44.9 %,显示目前全球智慧型手持式装置市场正处于高速成长的起飞期。因此,本研究将先从市场的角度切入,瞭解消费者对产品各功能的重视程度,接着对产品功能进行技术调查与预测,透过需求以及技术两方面的调查,来探讨智慧型手持式装置的未来的发展趋势。 依研究所得,在市场研究结果方面,消费者最重视的前8项产品功能以“资料传输速度”为第一,其次为“操作容易”、“体积小不占空间”、“资料输入/输出方式”、“耗电量”、“重量轻携带方便”、“相容性”、“运算速度”等。在对消费者最重视的前8项功能项目进行技术调查结果显示,于技术困难度方面,对第3行动通讯技术的应用困难度最高。而我国在各项功能商业化应用时间方面,大部分都可于2002-2003年间实现,时间会比国外晚个一年左右。然而阻碍我国于此8项功能发展的因素方面,影响最大的为“技术因素”,其次是“成本因素”及“市场因素 The arising of Internet speeds up the integration of the 3C industries: Computer, Consumer and Communication. In this tendency, products providing functions to access Internet emerge to be the hot items. These products feature with low price, user friendly, networking, and data accessing. Smart Handheld Devices, with particularly high growth rate, is one of the hottest products in the market. According to International Data Corp. (IDC), globally its component of annual growth rate reaches 44.9% from year 2000, 10 million units a year, to 2004, more than 45 million units a year. In this thesis, the author first approaches from the viewpoint of the consumers to find out the functions that consumers emphasize most, and then investigates the technology needed for these functions. According to consumers’ need and the technology, the author proposes the future development of the Smart Handheld Devices. According to a market survey, the first 8 functions that consumers stress are: Speed of data transmission, user friendly, small size, data input and output manner, power consumption, light weight and portability, compatibility, and operation speed. Among the technical issues for the 8 functions, the application of the 3rd mobile telecommunication is the most difficult one. The product will be able to be commercialized during the years of 2002 to 2003 in Taiwan, about one year later than that of the other countries who develop the same product. However, the obstacles of developing the above mentioned 8 functions, in addition to the technology factor, also include cost and market factors. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/66724 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |