標題: 由技術與市場需求來探討智慧型手持式裝置之發展研究---以科學園區為例
From the Perspectives of Technology and Market Needs to Analyze the Development of Smart Handheld Devices---An Empirical Analysis of Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park
作者: 徐義建
Florey Hsu
Benjamin J.C. Yuan
關鍵字: 技術預測;智慧型手持式裝置;商業化;Technology forecasting;Smart Handheld Devices;commercialized
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 隨著網際網路的快速興起,造成Computer、Consumer、Communication等3C產業快速的整合。在這波趨勢中,提供網際網路接取功能的產品成為現今最熱門的產品。這些產品講求低價位、且易於使用、具備連網、資訊存取功能,而智慧型手持式裝置則是這些產品中成長速度最快的一項。根據IDC預測,全球整體智慧型手持式裝置產量逐年增加,從2000年約1,030.2萬台成長到2004年的4,541.9萬台,年複合成長率達44.9 %,顯示目前全球智慧型手持式裝置市場正處於高速成長的起飛期。因此,本研究將先從市場的角度切入,瞭解消費者對產品各功能的重視程度,接著對產品功能進行技術調查與預測,透過需求以及技術兩方面的調查,來探討智慧型手持式裝置的未來的發展趨勢。 依研究所得,在市場研究結果方面,消費者最重視的前8項產品功能以「資料傳輸速度」為第一,其次為「操作容易」、「體積小不佔空間」、「資料輸入/輸出方式」、「耗電量」、「重量輕攜帶方便」、「相容性」、「運算速度」等。在對消費者最重視的前8項功能項目進行技術調查結果顯示,於技術困難度方面,對第3行動通訊技術的應用困難度最高。而我國在各項功能商業化應用時間方面,大部分都可於2002-2003年間實現,時間會比國外晚個一年左右。然而阻礙我國於此8項功能發展的因素方面,影響最大的為「技術因素」,其次是「成本因素」及「市場因素
The arising of Internet speeds up the integration of the 3C industries: Computer, Consumer and Communication. In this tendency, products providing functions to access Internet emerge to be the hot items. These products feature with low price, user friendly, networking, and data accessing. Smart Handheld Devices, with particularly high growth rate, is one of the hottest products in the market. According to International Data Corp. (IDC), globally its component of annual growth rate reaches 44.9% from year 2000, 10 million units a year, to 2004, more than 45 million units a year. In this thesis, the author first approaches from the viewpoint of the consumers to find out the functions that consumers emphasize most, and then investigates the technology needed for these functions. According to consumers’ need and the technology, the author proposes the future development of the Smart Handheld Devices. According to a market survey, the first 8 functions that consumers stress are: Speed of data transmission, user friendly, small size, data input and output manner, power consumption, light weight and portability, compatibility, and operation speed. Among the technical issues for the 8 functions, the application of the 3rd mobile telecommunication is the most difficult one. The product will be able to be commercialized during the years of 2002 to 2003 in Taiwan, about one year later than that of the other countries who develop the same product. However, the obstacles of developing the above mentioned 8 functions, in addition to the technology factor, also include cost and market factors.