标题: 台湾大专院校育成中心育成服务绩效评估之实证研究
An Empirical Study on Service Performance Evaluation on University Incubators in Taiwan
作者: 施东明
Tim T.M. Shih
Dr. Benjamin J.C. Yuan
Dr. Hsiu-Der Sung
关键字: 绩效评估;育成中心;服务品质;PZB服务品质模型;SERVQUAL量测方法;SERVPERF量测方法;Performance evaluation;incubator;Service quality;PZB Model;SERVQUAL;SERVPERF
公开日期: 2000
摘要: 本研究首先简介美国育成协会在西元1991年摘要的育成产业五大趋势与十大挑战。基于育成服务绩效评估是确保各项育成计划的是否延续与成功的关键,本研究也提醒读者注意有关建立育成服务绩效评估标准的四大步骤。
在进入探讨绩效评估矩阵应用之前,本研究先揭露绩效评估之四大效益,然后说明绩效评估的两大类型与三个评估构面,以便于探讨绩效评估矩阵。绩效评估矩阵乃经由具有多年实务经验的Steven M. Hronec所发展,负责Arthur Andersen公司协助全球制造业公司,建立绩效管理系统。
In this research, the five trends and the ten challenges of the incubation industry, which are summarized in 1991 by National Business Incubation Association (NBIA), are introduced. As the performance evaluation of incubation service is the key to ensure the continuation as well as the success of incubation programs, four standard procedures to establish criteria for incubation performance evaluation are brought to attention.
Before getting into the application of the Performance Evaluation Matrix, four benefits of performance evaluation are disclosed. Two categories and three dimensions of performance evaluation are explained to pave the way for exploring the Performance Evaluation Matrix, which is developed through years of pragmatic exercises by Steven M. Hronec and has been utilized successfully for years by Arthur Andersen Company to assist globally many manufacturing companies to establish the performance management system.
As the Performance Evaluation Matrix is primarily designed for manufacturing industry, this research thus adopts partially the Matrix and combines the PZB model, by which the SERVQUAL is developed for measuring the performance of service quality, so as to measure the service performance of university incubators in Taiwan.
Proven with statistical analyses, this research demonstrates that the questionnaire with modified SERVPERF questions as well as questions about key success factors for incubators should be easy and pragmatic for service performance evaluation of university incubators in Taiwan.