标题: 利用资料探勘的技术及统计的方法增强图书馆的经营与服务
Enhancement of Library Operation and Service by Data Mining and Statistics
作者: 吴安琪
An-Chi Wu
Hao-Ren Ke
Wei-Pang Yang
关键字: 资料探勘;图书馆;数位图书馆;Data Mining;Library;Digital Library
公开日期: 2000
摘要: 随着网际网路和全球资讯网的蓬勃发展,资讯传播不再是传统平面媒体的特权,人们已经渐渐习惯在全球资讯网上寻找自己想要知道的资讯。全球资讯网的普及也促成了电子图书馆的日渐成熟,如何利用电脑与网路科技提升图书馆对读者的服务(即图书馆的电子化服务)亦是各图书馆努力追寻的目标。
本论文以交通大学图书馆的书目、馆藏、交易历史记录为基础,运用资料探勘(Data Mining)的技术探索交通大学读者的社群(Community)特性,让交通大学图书馆能够在交通大学读者学术、知识的吸收和产出中扮演更积极的角色。本论文所希望探索的读者社群关系包含:馆藏借阅的共同性及馆藏借阅的顺序性。
With rapid advancement of Internet and World Wide Web (WWW), WWW has been becoming an important information source. The proliferation of WWW also encourages the development of electronic library. Many libraries are aiming to provide patrons better services by means of computer and telecommunication technology.
This thesis aims at discovering the community patterns of NCTU patrons via data mining. The data used in mining are the bibliographic and holding records of NCTU Library, as well as the transaction history logs.
We expect that NCTU Library can apply the research findings to its operation and service so that NCTU Library can play a more proactive role in the learning and researching of NCTU patrons. The community patterns of patrons that we want to discover in this thesis are the common patterns and sequences of collections, borrowed by patrons.
After we find out the community patterns, we want to achieve the following goals: (1) attract more patrons to borrow collections, (2) increase collection borrowing rate, (3) raise the loyalty of patrons, (4) assist the policy making on the acquisition of duplicate copy, and (5) encourage the rapid circulation of collections.


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