Title: 晶體的能量轉換機制對Q–開關固態雷射輸出的影響
Influence of energy-transfer mechanism on output of Q-switched solid-state lasers
Authors: 張心蘭
Hsin Lan Chang
Y. F. Chen
Keywords: 能量轉換機制;Q–開關固態雷射;energy-transfer mechanism;Q-switched solid-state lasers
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: Q-開關雷射在量測、雷達、醫療等方面的應用都相當廣泛。因此如何找出最佳化的參數來提高雷射輸出功率是本論文研究的重點,而影響雷射輸出功率的最大主因為能量轉換效應,因此本理論將ETU及ESA等能量轉換效應加入與時間、空間相關的速率方程式中,推導出最佳化的參數、脈衝能量與脈衝峰值功率,得到理論計算的結果與實驗結果相當吻合。
Q-switched solid-state lasers are playing an important role in many applications, such as range finders, lidars, and medical systems. In previous works show that some energy transfer processes lead to the reduction of output power. The key point of this work is deriving optimal parameters in scaling end-pump lasers to high power. We used space-dependent rate equations to consider the influence of ETU and ESA processes on the performance of Q-switched lasers. With this analysis, the theoretical results of the optimal pulse energy and peak power are in good agreement with the experental data.
Appears in Collections:Thesis