Title: 全球定位系統與慣性導航系統整合之研究
GPS/INS Integration System
Authors: 黃仁杰
Jen-Chieh Huang
Der-Cherng Liaw
Keywords: 虛擬距離;載波相位;INS;GPS
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 由於今日科技的發達與資訊時代的來臨,使得全球定位系統 (GPS)廣泛應用在日常生活之中,更結合了許多的資訊產品,使之與生活更為密切。GPS是藉由接收衛星的訊號(如虛擬距離、廣播星曆),經過導航方程式求得GPS接收機的位置;其特點為可快速定位、可信度高及在長時間觀察下不會發散;但因衛星訊號會受到電磁干擾、遮蔽物干擾、運動加速度過大等因素而造成訊號的脫鎖,以致無法完全仰賴GPS提供完整的定位資訊。慣性導航系統 (INS)則為一自主性較高的定位系統。其主要利用慣性感測器如陀螺儀、加速儀等量取載具位置與姿態等資訊,而求出定位資訊。其優點為不受地形、地物、天候等環境因素影響;但感測器本身則會因長時間積分效應,而造成累積誤差。本論文針對GPS與INS的優缺點進行理論分析比較,將其整合為一複合式定位系統。由理論分析、系統設計、軟硬體實現及實驗驗証,我們完成整合一低成本且可靠度高的整合性定位設備。
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is known to be able to provide high accurate global positioning data, especially after the Selective Available (SA) is cancelled in May 2000. However, due to the normal operation of the data transmission and the impact of message block, the GPS is not easy to be integrated in a real-time high maneuverable guidance system. In the other hand, the Inertial Navigation System (INS) is a stand-alone real-time guidance system, which has high immunity of environmental noise and does not require data transmission. Due to the accumulating integration error, the positioning data provided by the INS tends to diverge. Such a disadvantage blocks the application of INS to the long-time guidance when no extra correction is made. GPS/INS integrated positioning system is studied in this thesis, one of the main goals of this study is to discuss both advantages and disadvantage of each individual positioning system. The possible configurations for two system integrated are also studied. Detailed design for one GPS/INS integration system is carried out to demonstrate the potential advantages of integrated system. The experimental data from the implemented system validates the proposed features.
Appears in Collections:Thesis