Title: 台灣IDM公司產品技術策略研究及未來發展《 以華邦為例 》
Taiwan IDM Company’s Product Technology Strategy and Future Development – A case Study on Winbond Electronics
Authors: 曹冠和
Guann-Ho Tsau
Dr. Po-Young Chu
Keywords: 產品技術策略;垂直分工;整合元件製造;核心能力;競爭優勢;產品品牌;product technology strategy;vertical disintegration;IDM;core competence;competitive advantage;product brand name
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本論文探討台灣最大IDM公司技術取得方式及因而產生的結果。經分析 討論而得到特殊結論以作為後來技術發展策略之參考。這和過去文獻大 多著重於技術移轉成功案例是靠技術內化及資源大量投入的研究角度有 所不同。本論文亦針對在台灣半導體產業垂直分工趨勢下,IDM公司過 去的因應模式及逐漸發展而來的現狀加以研究。探討了台灣IDM公司在 面對產業垂直分工為專業IC設計、專業晶圓代工及專業封裝測試的趨 勢下,IDM公司所處的競爭優劣因素。並且研究了IDM公司如何就其所 具有的核心能力如自有產品品牌、整合性設計製造能力及自有產能,繼 續維持競爭優勢或轉型發展。本論文研究得到的結論是以台灣IDM公司 所處的產業環境及特質,建議的技術發展策略是:開發產品以成為擁有 需求量大而且產品是居於世界市場領先地位的IDM公司。或是除了維持 原來產品技術發展能力之外,讓公司朝產業上下游發展而逐漸成為集團 化公司型態。
This thesis studies the technology acquisition methods and the obtained results of the Taiwan largest IDM company. The analysis’s conclusions are suggested be used for future technology strategy reference. The study differs from the previous studies which emphasize the successful technology catching up was achieved through massive resource pour in and technology internalization. This study reviews Taiwan IDM companies’ past responses to the industry vertical disintegration trend and their current developed status. As the semiconductor industry moving toward the trend of disintegration as IC design, foundry service and assembly and test, the IDM’s competitive advantages and disadvantages are reviewed in this study. This thesis also studies how IDM companies use their core competences such as product brand name, integrated design/manufacturing capability and self owned manufacturing capacity to maintain competition edge or evolve to other business model. According to the unique characteristics of Taiwan IDM companies and the industry environment, the suggested technology development strategy or alternative are the followings: Become an IDM company that has volume demanded world leading product(s), or maintain original core competences and evolve to be a vertical integrated conglomerate.
Appears in Collections:Thesis