Title: 台灣高科技電子產業新產品開發流程管理之探討----以全友電腦股份有限公司為例
The study of the management of the new product development process in electronics industry in Taiwan high-tech field based on the case of Microtek.
Authors: 黃福生
Fu-Sheng Huang
Dr. Po-Young Chu
Dr. Lu-Pao Hsu
Keywords: 新產品開發;研發管理;研發流程;New product development;R&D management;Development process
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 很多公司具有很好之產品創新概念,資金也不成問題,研發人員的學歷也很高,甚至許多亦獲得不少的創新獎,市場的訂單也沒問題,但是每年的財務報表卻無法有獲利的表現,究竟其問題出在哪裡?經由深入探討後發現其中有很大部分是與該公司之新產品開發流程的管理活動有很密切的關係。本研究嘗試提出一套有系統的方法,來協助企業界做好新產品開發流程管理,期解決(1)因研發延遲導致產品到上市週期的拉長(2)新產品大量生產時良率無法提高(3)實際開發成本遠超越開發預算限制(4)出貨之產品無法符合客戶需等類似常見新產品研發問題。首先做一些研究發展管理理論相關文獻探討,並對創新產品的定義與類型做一介紹,再對全友電腦的四個成功創新產品開發的個案做一詳細的介紹與研究,並對每一個案整理出其新產品開發流程管理的成功關鍵因素,除此之外,本研究也特別提出新產品開發流程管理方法之觀念性架構建議圖與新產品開發管理流程圖,並整理出新產品開發階段之管理重點、新產品開發種類與開發階段之關係表與新產品開發流程管理檢核表以供企業界參考使用。
There are so many companies in Hsinchu Science based Industrial Park with solid financial condition and highly educated engineers. Some of them even have won innovative awards of new product development from government. Some of them have also earned a big order from their customer. However they still can not make any profit from these new products. From our research, we found this is as a result of the poor management of the new product development process. The study proposes a systematic approach to facilitate companies to manage the new product development process. The proposed approach attempt to solve the following problems: a) Product to market cycles is lengthened due to the development delay. b) The yield rate of new product mass production is too low. c) The costs of new product development far exceed the budget. d) Product can’t meet the customer needs. At first we try to brief some management theories of the new product development, to define what are the innovative products and to introduce their categories. As for case study, we introduce in detail four successful cases in new product development. We also point out and sum up the success factors in each case. Besides, we propose a conceptual diagram for managing new product development process and a flowchart of new product development. We try to make two charts in chapter 5 for reference, one is the relationship between the type of product development and the stages for product development, and the other one is a checklist to manage a new product development.
Appears in Collections:Thesis