Title: | K-MAP(Knowledge Management Activity Plot) 在組織知識管理之應用 K-MAP(Knowledge Management Activity Plot) - The Application in Organization's Knowledge Management |
Authors: | 陳中崙 Joseph, Chung-Lung Chen 楊千 Chyan Yang 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 知識管理;故事;企業流程;知識累積;knowledge management;story;process;knowledge accumulation |
Issue Date: | 2000 |
Abstract: | 所有企業,都不免受到知識經濟的影響。如何能夠迅速掌握知識,又如何運作才能夠獲得致勝的契機,是企業管理最重要的課題。可惜多數企業知識的累積,常捉襟見拙,殘缺不全,不但無法保存既有知識,且欠缺取得管道,常於需要時無法順利取得。可能的原因之一,是分類不當 (依功能分類,使知識成為片斷、私有,不夠整合,影響跨領域知識之分享。或是資源與垃圾混在一起,被當成垃圾忽視掉)。致使分類結果影響組織完整的學習活動。此外,知識管理之行為面 (真知必能行),是推展成為日常性之知識活動,過去企業設計各種活動(品管圈、員工獎懲辦法、業務行銷活動…)時,很少自知識管理角度出發,考慮知識管理之需求,所以演變成知識累積之不充分。今後,企業在既有的組織架構內,如何以最自然、花費最少、最省人力的方式導入最有效益的組織記憶,是致勝的契機。
本研究之目的,在以實際企業流程之案例,採第三者訪談,寫成故事形式之模式,應用個人自擬之 K-MAP(Knowledge Management Activity Plot)為(需修正部分及需使用科技之)判斷項目,有系統的去探討最有效益的組織學習之動作。
本研究的三個案例分析,確實發現K-MAP有分佈不對稱的現象,簡而言之,依知識黏滯性程度之不同,各有不同之適用範圍。可見K-MAP之使用,可以分辨出不同但有差異性之知識累積方式與學習重點,極具效益。 All business will be affected by knowledge economy. Today, how to catch knowledge quickly and how to manipulate that knowledge into core competence are business' most important issues. Unfortunately, not many businesses can accumulate knowledge effectively. Not only they can not keep existing knowledge, but also they can not find existing knowledge when needed. One of the possible reasons is ineffective classification of knowledge. Traditionally, the knowledge is classified according to its function. Thus knowledge will be segmented into pieces and hinder knowledge sharing across different functions. Besides, not many companies design their daily operation according to knowledge management's requirement. The consequence is that knowledge learning is not effective. In the future, the business that can find out the most natural, cost effective and manpower saving way to accumulate knowledge has the best chance to win. This research takes real business cases into consideration. The cases are interviewed by third party and being put into story format and examined according to a self designed K-MAP(Knowledge Management Activity Plot). The K-MAP is designed to provide a systematic way to find out the most suitable learning method for different knowledge across the company. Learning, by itself, is quite different upon different person and different subject. One of the most important reasons is the different stickiness of different knowledge. In this research, the personal effect is isolated in order to see the difference between different learning method and different subject. The result shows that using K-MAP, we can easily find different learning methods for different subjects. K-MAP is then proofed to be a useful tool for organization's knowledge learning application. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/67958 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |