Title: B2C電子商務的經營要素及其經營策略之探討
A Study on the Management Factors and Strategies for B2C E-commerce
Authors: 李鴻德
Hong-Te Lee
Shang-Jyh Liu
Keywords: 電子商務;經營模式;經營要素;核心能力;競合;核心價值;附加價值;e-commerce;business model;management factor;core competency;co-opetition;core value;added value
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 摘 要 隨著網際網路而蓬勃發展出的電子商務,無論是提供創新之產品或服務,或因為價值鏈重組而衍生出的新企業,或是傳統產業電子化而重新加入競爭的行列,對於企業經營者而言,都是一項新的經營課題,尤其是網路商務泡沫化,開始警醒過去對電子商務的憧憬及迷思,回歸到正常的利潤模式,企業必須要有適當的經營策略思維邏輯,來面對此新環境的變動。 本研究歸納分析電子商務之環境特性及經營模式,據此整理出企業對顧客電子商務的經營要素分析構面,探討企業經營B2C電子商務的活動時,就流程及內容和成本其影響因子。論文研究的方法是利用交易成本的理論與經濟學的供需理論,作為經營要素分析構面的理論依據,彙整出電子商務的交易活動中其交易成本的議題,並以這些議題作為分析構面的影響要素,探索其原理原則,並歸納其分析之結果,解釋B2C電子商務其現象及問題,最後以實際的案例來驗證所歸納的結果,加強分析構面的實用性,以符合本研究的動機與目的。 從論文的討論分析之結果發現,顧客真正在意的是企業所提供的商品或服務能否為其所需或解決其問題!企業的競爭具體表現仍舊是其核心的能力;當然價格上誘因也是顧客所期盼的,而由整個流程來看,就成本的項目而言,有其有利的一面及不利的地方,企業該如何趨吉避凶發揮電子商務的獨特的本質,增加企業的商務附加價值及經營利潤,才是現階段企業經營者所應注意的地方,本研究提出「整體成本」、「內容核心價值」、「流程輔助價值」三項電子商務經營要素的分析構面,並結合「競合」的佈局,作為企業跨入電子商務的經營策略的參考依據。
Abstract Digital business is causing an upheaval that is shaking the foundations of traditional business. Many companies have been lost in the myth of the advantages that digital business can offer while forgotten to look into the limitations of this new business model. Why many companies can’t survive when the bubble dream bursts? The answer is simple – because they lack of profitability. The purpose of this paper is to identify the influential factors to the success of B2C e-commerce. This paper addresses the business management factors and strategies for B2C e-commerce. It applies an analysis model, which considers several aspects to assess the impact of e-commerce. This article incorporates the Williamson’s transaction cost and Economic supply-demand theories to conduct the issue and explore the management factors. If then finally identifies those factors by case studies to enhance the utility practice. This study proposes two major points that affect the customers’ demands. First, the main concern of customers is to satisfy customers’ needs or solve their ultimate problems. This is a core competency for the enterprises. The second concern is price incentive. However, price plays the role as a double-edged knife. Price incentive is a useful tool for getting more customers orders but it can also eat out the necessary profit that the enterprises need to survive with. How to pursue the profit and shun the course of deficit calamity? The approaches mainly consist of three scopes:Integrated cost、core content value、process added value. Strategic approaches are proposed on the bases of the co-opetition theory. The analysis provides a whole picture of B2C e-commerce to help managers develop a successful B2C business strategy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis