Title: BTO/CTO生產模式之現場資訊整合系統研究
A Shop-Floor Control System For BTO/CTO System
Authors: 曾宏偉
Huang-Wei Tseng;Clement Tseng
Ruey-Shun Chen
Keywords: 現場資訊整合;電腦製造整合;接單後生產;彈性製造;現場資訊整合;接單後生產;彈性製造;SFCS;CIM;BTO;CTO;Shop Floor Control System;Build To Order;Config To Order
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 在國際舞台上電子資訊產業是目前台灣最具有競爭力的一環,尤其是資訊產業已佔全球第三大的產值。電腦廠商未來將面對變化更加快速的市場環境,除了加緊企業資訊化的步伐外,管理者也將面臨管理與企業策略生命週縮短的新挑戰各電腦大廠檢討其傳統的預測需求來生產,決定採用結合通路的混合型生產模式,將以往預測生產(Build To Forecast)轉換成為接單生產(Build To Order; BTO)及彈性生產(Config To Order;CTO)模式。 本研究主要為建立一BTO/CTO生產模式之現場資訊整合系統。本文之研究為以個案公司為例,首先說明目前個案公司的BTF生產模式之現場資訊整合系統之現況,並分析其問題點,然後針對BTO/CTO現場資訊整合系統作系統分析及作業分析,由分析結果來開發和建立BTO/CTO現場資訊整合系統並且說明如何將此系統導入。最後,將BTF與BTO/CTO生產模式之現場資訊整合系統作一綜合比較。本研究結果可知導入BTO/CTO生產模式之現場資訊整合系統能降低從接單、備料、生產、入庫、出貨之時間及減少人力成本,達到彈性化製造之目的。
Electronic information industry of Taiwan is superior to other countries’ on the international stage, especially the information industry. In the future, computer manufacturers not only have to face the fast-growing market and to meet its demand, but also have to take the challenging that the lifecycle of traditional management strategy for the enterprise may be shorten. As a result, many computer manufacturers have decided to produce on a basis of complex production mode that combines channels that means Build To Order (BTO) and Config To Order (CTO) instead of the traditional way of production that is Build To Forecast (BTF). The purpose of this research is to build the Shop Floor Control System based on BTO/CTO production mode. The following document will guide us to understand what the BTF and BTO/CTO are. I will take one company as an example. In this example, I will describe its current situation with BTF production mode, analyze the weakness with BTF mode, introduce the procedures to phase in the BTO/CTO production mode and compare the two modes. From this whole process, we can see the strength of BTO/CTO mode. It is also very clear that phasing in BTO/CTO production mode can save the time and cost from taking orders to shipping.
Appears in Collections:Thesis