Title: 以網際網路為基礎之客戶服務系統:IC設計銷售點管理為例
A Web-based Customer Relationship Management System for IC Design Point of Sales
Authors: 劉文祥
wen-hsiang Liu
陳 瑞 順
Ruey-shun Chen
Keywords: 客戶服務系統(CRM);銷售點管理(P.O.S);IC設計;Internet;Customer Relationship Management (CRM);Point Of Sales(POS);IC design;Internet
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 網路經濟時代的來臨,企業面臨比以往更多的挑戰與新的機會,台灣要進軍全球市場,「全球化」(globalization)是一個重要指標。如何能在激烈的市場競爭中脫穎而出,必須能掌握市場脈動,市場資訊最重要,但是地理區域考量日形重要,當要嘗試要在據點以外國家或地區時銷售時,代理商(agent)是一個必要選擇。但如何掌握代理商讓最新市場資訊以最快速的方法傳回公司,並且提供決策資訊是本論文探討重點。本論文參考整合性行銷管理架構資訊架構並結合本研究觀念,針對IC設計業提出的管理代理商觀念性架構(P.O.S),並進行實務開發。本研究以生產消費性電子產品IC設計公司為研究對象。本論文採取方法如下︰(1)Web Publish技術將IC設計業訊息PUSH給客戶;(2)Problem and tacking會簽追蹤系統,了解客戶問題點,追蹤問題;(3)庫存資料上傳系統,結合ftp技術,讓代理商庫存資訊,能讓IC設計業了解;(4)透過資料庫系統,利用ODBC和CGI技術提供查詢資料界面。本論文成果為:利用Web base等技術,建立以一個IC設計公司為例客戶服務系統,讓代理商上所了解行銷資訊與庫存資訊及時傳回,藉由此了解代理商的行銷能力與庫存,並分析客戶服務上的需要,直接掌握客戶,以增加客戶之滿意度。而代理商亦可藉由此系統獲得所需知識、資金及必要支援,作為後盾,扮演好在IC設計公司溝通橋樑。冀望本論文能為IC設計業廠商的代理商管理發展貢獻一分心力。
As the internet financial age approaches, the challenges along with new opportunities that present themselves are greater than that of the past and Taiwan increasingly advance into this globe market, Globalization becomes an important indictor. However, to become more and more competitive in an increasingly aggressive market being able to feel the pulse of the market is essential. To do this, gathering accurate market information is key factor during which geographical and regional considerations must be taken into account. For companies, which are attempting to penetrate these overseas regional strongholds, the necessary and correct choice of overseas agent and representatives is key point. The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss how to manage such agents to ensure that the most up to date market information and other policy making information is relayed back to company in the quickest way possible The thesis refers to integrate marketing information management architecture and combine new concept of the thesis that raise a new management agents concept(P.O.S) of IC design Company. It can develop reality project. The study focuses on producing commercial electronic IC of IC Design Company. By ways of the following methods:(1)IC design message push to customer in web publish technology. (2)Problem and tracking system:Understanding customer’s question and tracking the question until finish this question.(3)Upload store information system:IC design Company understands agency store information and combines ftp technology.(4)Take advantage of ODBC and CGI technology that combines database offer data query interface. To sum up , this thesis concludes ︰Take advantage of web base technology to create a web-based customer relationship management system that agency that agency pass its marketing information and store information . In order to understand agency marketing and store ability for customer relationship management﹙CRM﹚ system and analysis what do customer want .Directly customer in the grasp of IC design company and increase customer satisfactory. Agency may get knowledge 、fund and necessary support to act communication bridge between IC design company and agency. I hope the thesis contribute a conscience to development management agency for IC design companies
Appears in Collections:Thesis