Title: 以程式為主的多媒體教材製作工具的設計與實作
The Design and Implementation of a Program-Base Multi Media Content Creation Tool
Authors: 李明樹
Ming-Sue Lee
Deng-Jyi Chen
Keywords: 教材製作;Multi Media Content Creation Tool
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 多媒體的技術快速發展和網際網路的普及加速了電子教材的發展,各種不同的電子教材正在快速成長中,如果電子式教材成為教材的主流,那麼,有一個方便使用者製作教材的工具是很重要的,目前代表性的電子教材製作工具在功能及製作簡易度上,仍難以符合我們的的需要,所以在經過分析和評估目前電子教材製作工具的優點和缺點後,我們發展了一個操作簡易又製作效率高的教材編輯軟體來使得一般的使用者也能夠輕鬆地學習及使用,快速的製作出他們理想的電子教材。
The rapid development of multimedia technology and the popularity of internet accelerate the development of electronic teaching materials. All kinds of the different electronic teaching materials are developing rapidly. Thus, an authoring tool of electronic teaching materials for users to easily use is very important. Because current major authoring tools are not easy to use for users. We developed a electronic teaching materials authoring tool ,which is easy to use ,and more efficient, even if a common user can easily generate a powerful electronic teaching materials.
Appears in Collections:Thesis