Title: 一個優秀運動員的養成模式
A Model for the Emergence of Exceptional Athletic Talents
Authors: 李韻如
yun-ju Lee
Ruey-Yun Horng
Keywords: 運動員;游泳;射箭;養成模式;athlete;swimming;archery;talent development model
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本研究的目地,在於提出一個優秀運動員的養成模式,以科學的方法來對運動員做選才及育才的工作,以期發展台灣的競技運動。研究中我們以 Simonton (1999) 的特殊才能形成模式,假設培育一個優秀的運動員,需要包括生理條件、技術訓練、教練與教育、心理、競技舞台等五個因素,且各項因素缺一不可,缺少一項便無法造育出優秀的運動員。本研究中是採取質化研究的方式,分別對7位游泳國手、11位甲組游泳校隊選手以及4位射箭國手進行一對一的訪談,以開放式的訪談內容讓選手對生理條件、技術訓練、教練與教育、心理、競技舞台等五個因素回答訪談問題、發表各人看法並做出分析。研究的結果初步判斷這五項因素對培育一名優秀的游泳及射箭運動員來說是不可或缺的,我們也預期此模式可推廣到其他不同項目的運動上。最後,我們也提出培育一個優秀運動員時,選才、育才、國家政策輔助等的建議,以及未來可能的相關研究方向。
The purpose of this study is to build a model for the development of athletic talents. According to Simonton (1999), the emergence of exceptional talents requires five factors that function multiplicatively to produce the manifested exceptional performance. Lack of any of the required factors would render the manifestation of exceptional talent impossible. We propose that five factors are essential for the development of exceptional performance in sports. They include the innate physiological endowment, skill cultivation, coach or sport education, psychological make-up of an athlete, and stage/platform for sport performance. To explore the validity of the model, we interviewed individually 7 swimmers who are/were in the national team, 11 swimmers who are/were in varsity’s teams, and 4 archers in national team. The results of these in-depth, semi-structured interviews provide the preliminary, qualitative supports for the indispensability of the above five factors in the development of exceptional sport performance. The data also provide many hints for the improvement of our current practices in the screening and cultivation of top-level athletes. The implications for the development of a general model of athletic talent development were discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis