Title: | 代理人機制於企業流程模型之構建與管理-以晶圓代工廠接單與換單管理流程為例 Agent Based Business Process Modelling and Management – Using Order Placing and Exchanging of IC Foundry As Example |
Authors: | 黃怡評 Yi-Ping Huang 彭德保 工業工程與管理學系 |
Keywords: | 企業流程模型;企業邏輯;模組化架構;J2EE平台;晶圓代工廠接單與換單管理系統;一次購足服務;Business process model;Business logic;Modularization Architecture;J2EE platform;Order placing and exchanging system of IC foundry;One-Stop Shopping Service |
Issue Date: | 2001 |
Abstract: | 繁雜的企業流程通常起因於企業經營上的需求及其所需提供予客戶的服務需求;在企業全球化競爭的趨勢之下,唯有不斷的因應競爭環境改變而調整企業經營策略,增加企業競爭力,才可取得致勝的先機。以晶圓代工廠之經營型態而言,乃是以服務客戶為導向,同時,在競爭白熱化的情況之下,唯有不斷滿足客戶的需求,提供客戶完整之服務,才可贏取客戶之訂單。因此,對於企業而言,如何在瞬息萬變的競爭環境下,因應競爭需求與客戶需求,快速的改變企業流程與邏輯,將是企業必須考量的重要議題。
本研究以所設計之企業流程架構,應用於晶圓代工廠接單與換單管理流程系統之建構上,並以J2EE(Java2 Platform Enterprise Edition)為系統之標準建構環境,使所設計出之系統元件具有可重複使用性、可攜性、可擴充性等特質。藉由所設計的企業流程架構之特質,使得本系統輕易整合了接單、換單管理系統,提供了客戶一次購足之服務需求,同時更克服了既有之繁雜流程,呈現予循序且清楚之服務流程。除此之外,整體系統更呈現出可管理性與可變性,能夠快速的改變企業邏輯之部署,因此,對於企業流程與邏輯改變上的需求,均可快速達成。 This paper is to improve the business process by designing and constructing a flexible business process model based on the agent mechanism from the viewpoint of modularity and abstraction(simplification). The modularization architecture of this model simplifies the cooperation and interaction process between modules, enhances the execution efficiency and process transparency. Futhermore, the cooperation and interaction between modules by message passing not only controls the business process but also enhances the decoupling and integrity of the system. The Proposed business process model is applied in constructing an order placing and exchanging system for an IC foundry based on the J2EE(Java 2 Enterprise Edition) platform. It enables the features of scalable, extensible and reusable of components. Under the implemented business process model, we can provide one-stop shopping service for customers. Besides, the system can be used to adjust the deployment of business logic rapidly. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/68167 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |