Title: 磁性摻雜物對共軛高分子發光二極體的影響
Effects of Magnetic Dopant in Conjugated Polymer LEDs
Authors: 林宗緯
Tson-Wei Lin
Hsin-Fei Meng
Jow-Tsong Shy
Sheng-Fu Horng
Keywords: 共軛高分子;磁性摻雜物;高分子發光二極體;MEH-PPV;Conjugated Polymer;PLED
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 近幾年來,共軛高分子的電致發光已成為許多學術與產業研究注目的焦點,高分子發光二極體的是否能有好的發光效率是目前大家所關心的問題,但要有好的發光效率牽涉到共軛高分子內部發光機制的限制與製成元件之後排列結構的限制等複雜的因素。在本論文中,我們想針對共軛高分子內部發光效率25%限制的改變深入研究,因此欲藉由摻雜具有磁矩的過渡金屬化合物,影響電子自旋狀態,讓自旋軌域偶合的機會更高,以期增加共軛高分子系統內轉換效應,進而能夠收集三重態激子轉換為單重態激子,讓共軛高分子的發光效率增加。在我們的研究裡,具有磁矩的物質為〈Fe(C5H7O2)3〉,主要探討的發光材料為Poly[2-methoxy-5-(2’- ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene],MEH-PPV。一開始我們量測元件隨摻雜濃度變化的光激發光譜和吸收光譜,並觀察發光二極體的電流、電壓與亮度之間的關係,發現發光效率有明顯的增加,然後利用光激發光的探測實驗,來直接量測探測光被三重態激子吸收後的強度與頻率的關係,因而從這關係圖可以知道三重態的生命期,再藉由改變摻雜濃度,可以知道隨著濃度變化生命期的改變,最後發現所加入的磁性摻雜物明顯幫助三重態激子更快的衰減到單重基態,因此可以下一個結論是磁性物質的確對共軛高分子的系統內轉換效應有影響,但對於電激發光效率則需要控制摻雜的濃度,直到適合的濃度才會有更大的效率,最後我們提供一些方法尋找摻雜物,期望有效的增加共軛高分子的發光效率。
Recently, electroluminescence (EL) in conjugated polymer have been the subject that many research and company interest. And the EL efficiency of PLED is concerned. The ratio between the singlet and triplet excitons formation in EL is an important factor. Theoretically the ratio is found to be high than 1/3 for conjugated polymer doped with magnetic transition metal complex. The intersystem crossing between the nearly degenerate higher triplet and singlet state is enhanced by the exchange coupling between the π-electrons in conjugated polymers and the magnetic moment of the transition metal ion. So our objective is to find the magnetic dopant that can efficiently increase PLED’s EL. In our experiment, our conjugated polymer is MEH-PPV, and use 〈Fe(C5H7O2)3〉as magnetic dopant. Through pump-probe two photon experiment, we get the triplet exciton signal’s frequency dependence. So we can know triplet lifetime. From triplet lifetime with different concentration of dopant, we observe spin-orbital coupling increase as the concentration increase, but the conversion efficiency is not.
Appears in Collections:Thesis