Title: 利用自動化字幕偵測與字幕處理來擷取結構化之視訊內容
Visual Structuring and Retrieval Based on Automatic Closed Caption Detection and Caption Processing
Authors: 蕭銘和
Ming-Ho Hsiao
Suh-Yin Lee
Keywords: 視訊切割;字幕偵測;字體大小辨識;Video Segmentation;Scene Identification;Caption Localization;Font Size Differentiation
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 我們利用階層式架構,提出一種結構化的網球影片內容瀏覽與索引方法。經過視訊切割,自動化字幕偵測與字幕字體大小辨識等方法,將影片做結構化的分析並建立在數位影片資料庫中。對數位影片資料庫而言,影片內容的結構化提供了瀏覽的能力而影片的字幕則提供更有意義的資訊。
An efficient indexing and retrieval of tennis video content is proposed using hierarchical structure. The hierarchical structure is constructed through video segmentation, shots selection and closed caption detection. The video content representation provides browsing capabilities for digital video databases. The video indexing supports more efficient content-based queries and retrieval capabilities for digital video databases.
In this thesis, a novel approach of automatic closed caption detection and font size differentiation among localized text regions in I-frames of MPEG videos is proposed. The approach consists of five modules: video segmentation, shot selection, caption frame detection, caption localization and font size differentiation. Tennis videos are selected as the case study and the module of shot selection is designed to automatically select specific type of shot for further closed caption detection. The noise of potential captions is filtered out based on the long-term consistency of the constant potential caption regions detection over consecutive frames. While the general closed captions are localized, the designed tool – font size differentiation is used as a filter to assist users in the selection of the specific and significant text captions. The significant closed captions, e.g. scores, can support high-level video structuring, video browsing, video indexing and video content description in MPEG-7. Experimental results show the effectiveness and the feasibility of the proposed scheme.
Appears in Collections:Thesis