Title: 網路同儕評量之研究
Studies of Networked Peer Assessment
Authors: 劉旨峰
Eric Zhi-Feng Liu
Dr. Shyan-Ming Yuan
Dr. Sunny San-Ju Lin
Keywords: 網路同儕評量;同儕評量;網路評量機制;信度;效度;Networked peer assessment;Peer assessment;Online assessment;Reliability;Validity
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 近年來隨著網路的盛行,網路學習在大學校園中也隨之普遍,但是目前的網路教學課程卻缺乏一套適當的網路評量機制,如果沒有一套簡易可行的評量機制,網路教學的可行性將會受阻。而本研究建構一套可支援網路化教學與學習的網路同儕評量系統,本系統的目的在於提供可行的網路教學評量機制。在這系統中,學生透過網路繳交作業,並經由相互的評分而得到作業的分數與同儕們的建議,此後學生依據這建議來做一些修改。重覆進行數個回合後,老師可以參考學生的評論來替這份作業打分數。用這種方法,老師就好像是期刊的總編輯,所有的學生就像是作者和評審。本研究期望透過這種學習模式讓大學生發展高層思考,其次了解學生的學習傾向與學習成效之間的關係、學生對系統所持的態度、及深入評估網路同儕評量的信度及效度,驗證了此評量系統之適當性。最後分析結果指出網路同儕評量為一具信度及效度的評量方式,學生反應普遍良好,發揮了原先預期的效果,故網路同儕評量為一適當且簡易可行的網路教學評量方式。
Despite their increasing availability on the Internet, online courses lack feasible assessment strategies of student performance and ultimately inhibit the effectiveness of distance learning. Therefore, this dissertation presents NetPeas capable of supporting networked instruction and learning and capable of analyzing students' learning outcome in college classrooms. For classroom use in distance learning courses, students can review the homework of their peers and receive comments as well. At the end of a semester, educators can access the student profiles easily via this system for further analysis. Results in this dissertation confirm the networked peer assessment as a suitable assessment strategy for distance learning.
Appears in Collections:Thesis