标题: 即时性服务之流量缩减与路径复原演算法
Traffic Reduction and Path Recovery Algorithms for Real-Time Services
作者: 陈柏翰
Po-Han Chen
Dr. Chung-Ju Chang
关键字: 多工;档头压缩;差别式服务;多协定标签交换;多协定标签交换;multiplexing;header compression;DiffServ;MOP\;MPLS
公开日期: 2001
摘要: 在现今的网际网路中,即时性的服务扮演着很重要的角色。声音在IP网路上传送将会取代传统的电话交换式网路而成为一种趋势。然而随着现在语音编码压缩技术的进步,因此在传送的封包承载量便大大的减少,因此若是依旧使用原先网际网路原有的封包档头,便会造成很大的档头负荷。虽然过去已有很多压缩及多工的机制出现,但是改善的空间仍然有限,因此在此篇论文中我们会以网路演进的角度,提出一个新的压缩及多工的机制来克服原有在网路上的问题,并且让语音可以在较好的路径上传送,最后再结合差别式服务的网路,让我们的机制能够获得更好的整合。
而在再更进一步,为了对即时性服务在网路上做更快速的传输,因此我们便希望资料流能以交换的方式取代绕径而在网路上运送,也就是所谓的MPLS(Multi-Protocol Label Switching)。因此我们便设计的一套演算法来针对及时性服务在MPLS网路中,当错误发生时的一套处理流程,并以NS2(Network Simulator 2)加以模拟,最后,根据我们的演算法,便可在错误发生时,得到最快速且完善的处理。
Nowadays, real-time services play an important part in the Internet. VoIP will become a trend to replace the circuit-switching voice services in PSTN. But end-to-end voice packets transmitting between two IP gateways still have large header overhead, especially we can reduce payload length by new voice compression techniques today. Although there are some header compression and multiplexing schemes, we still can improve them. In the thesis, a novel and evolution way is proposed to run the header compression and multiplexing scheme in a virtual network to overcome the header overhead problem and provide a better path for voice packets. And the mechanism to match in the DiffServ domain is also investigated.
Furthermore, for the purpose of fast forwarding the traffic in the Internet, traffic is expected to be transmitted in the MPLS domain. In the thesis, an enhanced algorithm is proposed to deal with the problem that how to solve the path rerouting problem for real-time service. And the final network topology and performance of my algorithm is simulated by MPLS Network Simulator 2. According to the algorithm, the traffic can be fast rerouted to the destination even though the fault is occurred.