Title: 以訊號雜音比率為衡量指標對銀行業之號碼機服務品質之研究
Using Signal-To-Noise Ratio to Evaluate the Quality of the Banking Service with Ticket Machine
Authors: 張志傑
Chih-Chieh Chang
Shing-Ko Liang
Sue Fung Wang
Keywords: 銀行櫃員服務績效;訊號雜音比;號碼機;Performance Measurement;Signal-to-Noise Ratio;Ticket machine
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 銀行使用號碼機,改變了原有的服務流程。號碼機的使用對銀行服務品質的影響之研究並不多見。近來由於消費者意識的抬頭、經濟的進步、政府開放新銀行與台灣進入WTO等大環境因素下。銀行之間的競爭更加激烈。 訊號雜音比原本運用在品質工程的領域中,是用來衡量產品的品質與穩定度。訊號雜音比越高表示產品的品質越好,代表產品的穩定度高。銀行業對於服務品質的要求服務也是要快速與穩定。本研究透過模擬號碼機所紀錄的顧客到達時間,先算出顧客等待時間、銀行櫃員的閒置時間,再利用訊號雜音比率的概念,計算出銀行櫃員的服務績效與櫃員閒置時間之訊號雜音比兩指標值,期望能由這兩個指標值找出可減少顧客因等待時間過長而對銀行有所抱怨的解決方案,並根據上述兩個指標求得最適服務人員數。 研究結果顯示,提高櫃員的服務速度或增加櫃員服務人員可縮短顧客的等待時間並提高銀行的服務績效。以銀行經營者的立場來看,一直增加服務人員的數目固然會提高服務績效,邊際效用將越來越小。增加太多的服務人員不僅增加了櫃員的閒置時間,也增加了銀行的人事成本。因此可利用等待時間訊號雜音比與櫃員閒置時間的訊號雜音比計算出最適當的櫃臺服務人員數。
The invention of the ticket machine is totally changed the financial service process. But there are few researches on the effect that affecting the banking service quality. Because of progressive economics, the developed open-market, and stronger consumers’ sense (requirement) in service, the bank would face more and more competence. For the quality engineering fields in manufacturing industries, the Signal-to- Noise statistics are widely used to measuring the product quality level, a higher SN ratio, higher quality. In banking service system, these special quality attribute that stable and efficient service are similar to the concept of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio. The research use the data provided by the number queuing machine to calculate the SN ratio of consumers’ waiting time and tellers’ idle time, respectively. We use two service indices based on the SN ratio concept to measure the tellers’ performance and decide how many tellers should be allocated in the banking service system. According to the research, we can improve the consumers’ satisfactions by speeding the tellers’ service rate or increasing other tellers to the banking service system. Although, increasing many tellers can raise the consumers’ satisfactions but the margin effect on increasing customers’ satisfactions is decreasing. It means that we should increase the appropriate tellers to save the business cost and maximize the consumers’ satisfactions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis