Title: 廣告媒體類型與媒體接觸行為對廣告效果之影響-—以網路廣告與電視廣告為例
The Influence of Advertising Media Type and Media Contact Behavior on the Advertising Effect --- a Study on Internet Advertising and TV Advertising
Authors: 張瓊華
Chung-Hua Chang
Dr. Tzong-Yau Chu
Keywords: 媒體接觸行為;廣告類型;廣告效果;media contact behavior;media type;advertising effect
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 中文摘要 今日電視與網路已成為人們生活中不可缺少的一部份了,它不僅影響我們的生活形態,同時也影響我們的思想與態度,以及一般價值觀和社會準則。 因此本研究主要在探討以下兩項議題:首先,探討媒體接觸行為的改變,使得企業主選擇廣告方式的改變是否為傳統的電視廣告產生影響?其次,並藉由深入瞭解影響網路廣告與電視廣告之廣告效果的因素,比較何種廣告的效果較佳? 本研究採用以下統計方法:敘述統計、信度與效度分析、均數差檢定以及變異數分析,經由這些統計分析結果可得以下結論: 網路廣告效果較電視廣告佳,網路廣告之廣告態度效果與品牌態度效果優於電視廣告,而電視廣告的購買意願效果則較網路廣告好。廣告效果之廣告態度效果,在接觸時間中、短的情況下,網路廣告的效果較好。廣告效果之品牌態度效果,在接觸時間中、短的情況下,電視廣告的效果較好。在品牌態度效果部分,年齡在20-24歲和30歲以上者,網路廣告較電視廣告好。而購買意願效果部分,年齡在25-29歲者,電視廣告的效果優於網路廣告,但是在30歲以上者,則是網路廣告較佳。教育程度在高中職以下者,不論何種廣告效果,其電視廣告的廣告效果皆是勝於網路廣告的。而在大學程度者,皆是網路廣告效果大於電視廣告。
The Internet and television are essentials in our life nowadays. They not only affect our life style, but also affect our values and moral codes. We study two issues in the research. First, we discuss whether a manager will choose different commercial media form traditional television because of the revolution in media. Second, we find out what kind of commercials can attain better responses through studying the factors that affect the Internet and television commercials. We apply the following statistical methods in the research. They are descriptive statistics method, reliability analysis, validity analysis, Mean deviation test and ANOVA. The results are as follows. The influences of Internet commercials are better than the ones of television commercials. However, the desire to buy on television is better than in the Internet. About the results of advertising attitude factor, the effects of Internet commercial are better than television ones when the commercial exposing time are medium or short. The brand effects of television commercials are better than the ones of Internet commercials when the commercial exposing time is medium or short. Besides, the consumers’ ages from 20 to 24 and above 30 are more easily influenced by Internet commercials than by television ones. In the results of desire to buy factor, the effects of television commercials are superior to the ones of Internet commercials under the ages of consumers from 25 to 29. However, under the ages above 30, the Internet commercials get better results. When we discuss the results with the consumers whose education levels are under senior high, the effects of television commercials are superior to the ones of Internet commercials. Furthermore, the effects of Internet commercials are superior to the ones of television commercials when the education levels of consumers are above bachelor.
Appears in Collections:Thesis