Title: 含有樹枝狀側鏈結構聚茀發光高分子的合成與研究
Synthesis and Characterization of Light-Emitting polymers:Poly-2,7-fluorenes with Dendrimer Side Chains
Authors: 周嘉宏
Chia-Hung Chou
Ching-Fong Shu
Keywords: 樹枝狀;發光高分子;Light-Emitting polymers;Dendrimer
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本論文研究主題為含有不同層階樹枝狀側鏈之聚茀發光高分子的合成與研究,我們期望能合成出新的藍光高分子,此材料能抑制住分子間的堆疊及防止激發複合體的生成,使得發出的藍光光色較純。在薄膜的熱處理部分,高分子PF-G-2 (16)、PF-G-3 (17)在經由熱處理後,所測得之螢光光譜,均未發現很明顯的變化,顯示巨大的樹枝狀側鏈可以有效抑制高分子間π-stacking之作用力。另外,我們以9,10-diphenylanthracene為測量溶液態量子效率之參考標準品,結果顯示這一系列藍光材料均具有相對較高的量子效率,且其熱性質也十分穩定。
This dissertation is aimed to synthesis and characterize light-emitting polymers:Poly-2,7-fluorenes with dendritic side chains (generation 0, 1, 2 and 3). We hope that we can synthesize a new material, which may emits pure blue fluorescence without the contamination of the long wavelength emission from aggregates / excimer. Absorption and emission spectra revealed that the bulky dendritic side chains neither increased the torsion angle nor perturbed the conjugation of the polyfluorene backbone. The emission spectra from the film of polymer PF-G-2 (16)、PF-G-3 (17) did not change after thermal treatment. This result indicated that the steric impact of the dendritic substituents suppressed the intermolecular π-stacking of the polymer. We measured the quantum yield for the series of the materials using 9,10-diphenylanthracene as a standard, and the results showed that the new blue light-emitting materials have high quantum yield. The thermal treatment behavior study also showed that the materials are thermal stable.
Appears in Collections:Thesis