Title: 關鍵性零組件模組化之創新價值 — 以LCD監視器為例
The Innovation Value of Key Component Modularization — A Case Study of LCD Monitor
Authors: 蔡東芳
Tung-Fang Tsai
Po-Young Chu
L.P. Hsu
Keywords: 關鍵性零組件;模組化;創新價值;LCD監視器;Key Component;Modularization;Innovation Value;LCD Monitor
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 高科技產業環境瞬息萬變,面臨的競爭與挑戰異常激烈,稍一不慎就難在市場上保持領先。近代台灣的電子資訊工業蓬勃發展於1980年代初期,20年下來,許多產品稱霸於世界。然而,儘管全球公認台灣的研發與製造技術一流,但仍然無法主導市場之趨勢,因此,只要遠景看好的產品,大家一窩蜂下去做,不久就會面臨價格競爭的壓力,而所謂創新價值,往往僅是為成本下降背書而已。成本下降固然是競爭中有效的策略,然本文旨在探討創新的價值絕對不僅在於創造成本效益,還有其他的營運價值存在。 本文引用LCD監視器為例,來探討關鍵性零組件的模組化所帶來的創新價值,主要的原因在於: — LCD產品因兼具平面、輕薄、低輻射及低耗電量等優點,取代CRT市場,成為監視器主流趨勢已無庸置疑。 — LCD監視器價格競爭激烈,而一場關於IC與LCD面板的整合與模組化,正在快速的發展之中。 本論文將從監視器產業的發展論起,逐步探討LCD監視器的發展現況與模組化的趨勢,最後從「創新帶給供需雙方的價值」的角度來作策略性的思考。
Those in the Hi-tech industry constantly face fierce competition due to the dramatically change of environment. It’s hard to keep the leading position if one ignores the environment movement. The Taiwanese Electronics & IT industry boomed at the early 80’s. Today, after twenty years, many products reached the top of the worldwide market share. Currently, it’s generally acknowledged that Taiwan has the world-class R&D and production technology. Nevertheless, the market trend is still driven by the non-Taiwanese companies in general. In a market, the higher potential a product, the more players it attracts. The pressure of price competition now could occur early in the product life cycle, and the “cost down” become one common strategy. Surely, the “cost down” is one of the most effective strategies against competition. However, besides “cost down”, many additional value can be created through innovation. This thesis presents the value innovation can bring. LCD monitor and its key components’ modularization will be used as a case to illustrate the value of innovation. The reasons in choosing LCD monitor as the case. — LCD has the advantages of being flat, light, slim, low radiation, low power consumption, etc. With little doubt, LCD will take the place of CRT to be the main stream of the monitor market. — The price competition of LCD monitor is harder than its predecessor products such as CRT. Currently, the integration and modularization of LCD panel and IC components is accelerating. This thesis will first discuss the Monitor Industry dynamics. It focuses on current LCD monitor status and the trend of key components’ modularization. Lastly, the thought of“Values created through innovation for both demand & supply side” will be discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis