Title: 我國平面顯示器廠商之競爭策略、競爭優勢與經營績效之研究---以驅動積體電路廠商為例
A study on the Flat Panel Display competitive strategies, competitive advantage and its performance
Authors: 巫祥洪
Shyang-Horng Wu
Dr. Tzong-Yau Chuo
Keywords: 驅動積體電路;凸塊;個人數位助理;競爭策略;競爭優勢;經營績效;Drive Circuit;Bumping;Personal Digital Assistant;Competitive Strategy;Competitive Advantage;Operation Performance
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 我國平面顯示器廠商競爭策略、競爭優勢與經營績效之研究 研究生 : 巫祥洪 指導教授 : 褚宗堯博士 國立交通大學管理學院 (管理科學學程) 碩士班 摘 要 在二十一世紀資訊電腦化與無線通訊變革所衍生之趨勢, 各式輕、薄、短、小之可攜帶產品諸如:筆記型電腦、個人數位處理到行動電話等產品的普及, 使得作為人機介面的平面顯示器商品將逐漸改變人類溝通及交易模式。 面對產業環境變遷全球化的衝擊, 我國驅動積體電路廠商如何擬定競爭策略、創造並持續地保有競爭優勢, 再創另一波之經濟奇蹟, 將是值得面對的嚴肅議題。 本研究採問卷調查,綜合相關學者的策略理論及筆者深入業界訪談融合實務而成之研究, 針對我國驅動積體電路廠商在面對之競爭激烈之整體與各別環境理,在剖析價值鏈並瞭解成本結構、認清關鍵成功因子進而發展企業之資產與核心能力獲取持續地競爭優勢的過程中, 績優廠商如何研擬其競爭策略並取得競爭優勢。最後彙整研究結果, 提供具體之建議供業界、政府單位及後續研究之參考。 研究結果顯示,績效較佳之公司較重視低成本(產品設計)策略及集中(顧客區隔)策略,意即唯有『自創品牌之系統廠商』及『積體電路設計業者』才適合我國現有及未來經營環境,業者應發揮技術創新能力、掌握產品上市時間與給予顧客品質信賴感; 最後建議政府提供穩定的投資環境除往昔之重視研發外,應塑造自創品牌之有利環境為當務之急, 藉以使得廠商取得有利之競爭優勢。 關鍵字: 驅動積體電路、凸塊、個人數位助理、競爭策略、競爭優勢、經營績效
In the revolutionary trend of the information computerization and wireless communications in the twenty-first century,the portable products of all lightly、thin、short and small, such as the popularization for Notebook Computer、Personal Digital Assistant and Cellular Phone, the flat monitor commodity as a human-machine will that make change the past patterns of how people communicative and trading on commerce. In the face of the impact from an industrial environmental change to face globalization. How to purpose they strategies for the LCD Drive IC Makers of those domestic businesses, create and keep those sustainable competitive advantage, and create another good economic development, it will be seriously issue wroth to face. The study adopts questionnaire research, summing up those theory from the scholars of related strategies and melting in the authors interviews tapping into the industry as to be introduce a business practice, which aims at competitive intense of the entire and individual environment for the LCD Drive IC makers of those domestic. How to gain the competitive advantage of deciding those competitive strategies for the those excellent firms, from the anatomy the value-chain and Ⅲ cost-structure, develop the assets and core competency of enterprise from identify clearly to the key success factors. Concluding the research results, it can provide the reference for the businesses, government, and later research fellows. The result of this study to shows the more excellent businesses maybe think highly of low-cost strategy (Product Design) and focus strategy (Customer Segmentation), means only the『Brand System providers』 & 『IC Design House』maybe suitable to future development on the domestic environment. Those businesses shall develop the competency of technology innovation and dominate the time to market and provide the suitable products to their customer. Finally, I suggest that government should provide a steady investment environment including think highly of R&D In the past, maybe shall more think highly of the benefit environment to the brand enterprises that will more important. Because that to obtain of forceful the competitive advantage for those domestic businesses. Key Words: Drive Circuit, Bumping, Personal Digital Device, Competitive Strategies, Competitive Advantage, Operation Performance
Appears in Collections:Thesis