Title: 以作業流程角度探討與實作一物流業知識管理系統
The Study and Implementation of a KM System for Logistics -- from the Operational Process Viewpoint 
Authors: 王俊男
Wang Chun-Nan
Perng Der-Baau 
Keywords: 作業流程;知識管理;物流業;Operation Process;Knowledge Management;Logistics
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 21世紀是知識經濟的時代,知識已成為企業的核心價值,故企業唯有掌握新知識及能夠管理運用知識,才能取得競爭的優勢,因而許多產業都在進行知識管理的活動,知識管理已成為近來熱門的研究議題。然而物流業卻未見明顯之知識管理活動,此舉可能會導致物流業的各種知識無法保存而流失,而導致競爭優勢的消失。因此,對於物流業而言,如何進行知識管理的活動,增進其競爭優勢,即是一值得深入探討的議題。 物流作業與活動多半具跨功能、跨部門的特性,然而根據物流業中業態的不同,導致其物流作業流程會有些許的差異。但一般而言,物流業大概皆具備共同之10個作業流程,如進貨作業流程、出貨作業流程等。故本研究以一知名上櫃公司為例,說明如何將此10個作業流程為基礎,結合知識管理的活動,來建構一物流業知識管理模式,並深入探討在模式中知識的確認、獲取、整合、分類、儲存、分享、創新之活動,並根據此模式,利用資訊技術的輔助來實作一物流業知識管理雛型系統。本研究希望能夠提供未來物流業者進行知識管理活動時的參考,對物流業之發展能有所助益。
21st century is the era of knowledge-economics; knowledge has become the core value of enterprises. Only the enterprises can control the new knowledge and manage the knowledge, can they obtain the strength of competition. Therefore, many industries are engaging in the activity of knowledge management. “Knowledge management” is being the hot research topic recently. However, in the logistic industry, there is no obvious activity of knowledge management. This situation will cause the knowledge of logistics unable to be saved, and will lead to the loss of competitiveness. For logistic industry, how to engage in the activity of knowledge management to improve its competitiveness is the topic worthy to be studied in depth. Operations of logistics mostly have the property of crossing functions and departments. Though there might be some differences in different types of operations, the basic structure is always the same for logistic companies, ex. the import process, the export process and so on. Therefore, this study uses a case-company to illustrate the activity of combining with the ten operation processes and knowledge management, constructs the model of knowledge management in logistics, and confers the activities of knowledge identifying, acquiring, classifying, integrating, storage, sharing, innovating in the model in depth. This study also utilizes the information technology to construct a prototype system of knowledge management in logistics according to the model. This study can be used as references when logistics industry engages in the activity of knowledge management, and aid the development of logistics industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis