Title: 以XML為基礎之半導體供應鏈體系資訊整合模式之設計與構建
Design and Implementation of An XML-based Information Integration Model for Semiconductor Supply Chain
Authors: 蔡長吉
Chang-Ji Tsai
Der-Baau Perng
Keywords: XML;半導體供應鏈;B2B互動;網路服務;XML;Semiconductor Supply Chain;B2B Interaction;Web Service
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 台灣半導體產業(由IC設計、晶圓製造、測試、封裝至及其它晶圓製造相關產業)競爭激烈,經過二三十年來的發展,在專業分工的自然趨勢,造就了台灣的半導體產業。 在顧客為導向的環境當中,晶圓代工廠為了留住客戶並且吸引其他客戶的加入,就必須提供客戶最好的服務,讓客戶感覺晶圓代工廠就像是自己的晶圓廠一樣。因此代工廠除了提供客戶一次購足的「客製化」製造服務外,更需要主動提供客戶需要的資訊,滿足客戶需求。 而IC設計廠往往需要提供客戶IC設計服務,也要負責監控IC製造由晶圓廠、測試廠、封裝廠等的流程,透過如此的一元化代工服務(Turnkey Service),來完成整個訂單達交的流程。而IC設計廠提供的一元化代工服務,若能結合虛擬晶圓廠,應能對IC設計公司內部成本、人力甚至週期時間的減少有很大的幫助。 對於虛擬晶圓廠的架構與構建,已有不少的文獻,各虛擬晶圓廠的架構皆有其考量及優點,但隨著整合、服務導向等觀念的日漸受到重視,虛擬晶圓廠的資訊基礎建設上仍有所不足之處。對於供應鏈中,廠商對廠商在資訊上的互動,目前已有較成熟的電子資料交換技術如XML及相關應用架構如RosettaNet等,而網路服務架構(Web Service)是新興的互動概念,也是本論文所採用的互動模式。 本研究探討半導體供應鏈在一元化代工服務模式、虛擬晶圓廠概念下的整體資訊傳遞、企業流程運作模式。為了提供足夠的資訊給客戶,並考量客戶的現有資訊系統,利用XML相關技術及網路服務架構,設計與建構出整合供應鏈上下游的訂單處理與製造資訊提供系統互動架構,同時,以企業內外流程之即時化、自動化串接為目標,實作出整體資訊架構,期能為半導體供應鏈體系帶來更大的效益。
There is keen competition in semiconductor industry in Taiwan. In the customer-oriented circumstance, foundry fabs have to provide best services to their customers for best customer’s satisfaction. In addition to providing IC design services, IC design houses have to monitor the IC manufacturing processes from foundry fab, test company, and to assembly company. Through such turnkey services, the order fulfill processes of an order are accomplished. Some researches have addressed about the framework and the construction of virtual fabs. However, each of the previous infrastructures for virtual fabs lacks of the integration and service-oriented design conception. In this research, an XML-based information integration model for semiconductor supply chain is proposed to strengthen the framework for virtual fabs. Meanwhile, under the consideration of existing information system of customers and business processes automation between companies, an information system which can integrate the companies’ information flow in semiconductor supply chain is developed and implemented. The proposed model and implemented system can bring more order processing and manufacturing information providing benefits to semiconductor supply chain.
Appears in Collections:Thesis