Title: (資訊+交通)網
e + Traffic net
Authors: 黎冠驛
Kuan-Yi Li
Yu-Tung , Liu
Chi-Yi , Chang
Hsiang-Cheng , Shih
Keywords: 建築;資訊網;architecture;e net
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 網路資訊在這個時代已經十分普及,可是這種廣泛度似乎只限於電腦或電視中取得。方便性及取得性上好像就並沒有如此的廣泛了,例如人們在行走的過程中,要與網路連線便不是如此的簡單及方便,而非得停下來找個電腦不可,狀態上與呈現斷線相同。 交通系統為架構一個城市或國家的必要元素,它連結了所有不同的空間型態,包括了公共空間及私人空間,地位十分重要,甚至於地圖的繪製與地址的尋找也是由它衍生而出。 因此將數位互動式建築與現在十分重要與完備的交通道路系統結合,如此一來就可解決人們在行走的過程中無法與網路聯繫的缺點,達成資訊的全面普及化及未來化,如此結合的資訊網路交通系統不只是將網路的互動擴展到每個角落,更是將實境與虛擬間的界線模糊化,使人置身於虛擬環境中卻又同時行走於實體環境□。
The information network was very fashionable in this times , but this kind of extension was only limited by computers or televisions apparently,it is not so extensively convenient and obtainable as like.For example, it is not such simple and convenient to connet with network when people were during the walk; we have to stop and find a computer to get online. Why can’t we connet to the net when we are doing everything ? Transportation systems are necessary elements for configuring a city or nation , they linked all different space types, including public spaces and personal spaces, transportation systems have very important position ,even designing maps or searching addresses also depend on them. Combining the digital interactive architectures with the very much important and complete transportation systems can solve the problems which can't connet to the net when people are walking . If we done that information will make widely available and city will turn in the future. Linking the information network and transportation systems together were not only expanding the interaction network to each place , but also turning the boundary faintness between physical and virtual spaces . It will make people placing oneself in virtual space and real environment at the same time.
Appears in Collections:Thesis