Title: 影響國小教師採用資訊科技創新教學因素之研究
Factors influence creative teaching with technology among teachersof elementary schools served as information Technology Seeds in Taipei and Taoyuan Countiesds
Authors: 江羽慈
Yu-Tsz Chiang
Sunny Lin
Keywords: 資訊科技創新教學;創造力;教學創新;教學動機;資訊教學知能;Creative Teaching with Technology;Creativity;Innovative teaching;motivation of teaching;teaching expertise
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 影響國小教師採用資訊科技創新教學因素之研究— 以台北縣、桃園縣資訊種子國小為例 指導教授:林珊如博士 研究生:江羽慈 國立交通大學教育研究所 摘 要 本研究以Amabile(1996)創造力理論為基礎,探討影響國小教師採用資訊科技創新教學之因素。資料蒐集兼採問卷調查與半結構式訪談,量化方面以教師實際採用資訊科技進行創新教學的行為為依變項,並以Amabile(1996)的創造力理論、Pintrich & DeGroot (1990)的動機模式、認知學派的專家教師觀點(expert teacher)共同為影響創造力的四個因素(社會環境、一般創意、創意動機、領域內知識)進行概念型定義與操作型定義,以自編問卷「國民小學教師採用資訊科技創新教學問卷」為研究工具,針對正在準備或已經進行資訊創新教學的301位台北縣及桃園縣資訊種子國小教師為樣本進行調查,首先確立各因素的因素結構與信效度,再分析四個影響因素對依變項的關係與預測力。質化方面,邀得台北、桃園兩縣各一所資訊種子國小,共七位教師,進行半結構試訪談與SWOT策略分析。兩位研究者以類似於創造產品的共識評量(Amabile,1983;consensual assessment)方式,將訪談資料以影響教師資訊創新教學的因素結構作為整理與分類之登錄系統。 量化研究結果顯示,15項背景變項中,僅6項能預測教師資訊科技創新教學,解釋變異量僅23.5﹪,四個影響因素(專業知能、一般創意、社會信念與回饋、動機)均與創意教學行為有顯著正相關,而四個變項間亦有顯著相關,顯示了影響教師創造行為因素之糾結複雜性。以逐步回歸結果來看,四個影響因素中只有三個因素能有效預測創新教學行為,預測力依序為:專業知能、一般創意、社會信念與回饋,解釋力達58﹪,動機在此失去對依變項的預測力。然而,創新教學動機、社會信念回饋兩個變項可以共同預測依變項「資訊科技創新教學行為」,解釋的變異量達34.5﹪。社會信念與回饋能直接預測資訊創新教學,並且透過資訊教學知能、一般教學創意,也能間接預測資訊創新教學。資訊創新教學動機對於預測資訊創新教學沒有直接效果,透過創造力的中介要素:資訊創新教學知能、一般教學創意,間接預測資訊創新教學。 質化訪談方面,七位教師採用資訊教學的方式包括有使用簡報軟體呈現、以網站教學、按按按教學系統、學生使用簡報軟體或上網收集資料呈現報告、線上評量、合作學習等,顯示受訪教師從事多元化的資訊教學方式,其創新程度亦明顯優於一般教師。受訪教師提出個人採用資訊創新教學的SWOT分析 (優勢、劣勢、外在機會、外在威脅與建議行動方案),包括認為教師個人的資訊創新教學優勢為其採用資訊創新教學的動機、運用資訊教學媒體的技能優於一般教師,劣勢方面則為使用資訊創新教學的學科教學法仍需再進修,外在機會方面均肯定外界給予其教學創新的回饋影響其創新教學行為,威脅方面提及的意見不多,考量的還是回歸實際教學層面,以及資訊創新教學方法所帶來威脅。最後教師對於「以學生為主體、使用資訊科技為心智工具」的教育信念亦有著的深刻反省,上述這些均提供給未來教師採用資訊資訊創新教學時的經驗參照。 研究結果顯示,創新是多麼不容易、不可多得的正向經驗。不論是教育當局或學校行主管,要邀請或敦促國小教師從事資訊創新教學時,並不是想像中的容易,主管單位常常提供外在誘因,促進教師有進行資訊訓創新教學的動機,但是動機本身不足以引發創新教學行為,國小教師有足夠的創新動機後,需要先學會資訊科技的技能,具備相關班級經營技巧、知識行動方案,同時該教師一貫就有愛好新奇、創新求變的特性,而同事、家長、同學都欣賞其資訊創新教學的相關措施,這樣所有正向因素全備時,資訊創新教學才能水到渠成。 關鍵字:資訊科技創新教學、創造力、教學創新、教學動機、資訊教學知能
Factors influence creative teaching with technology among teachers of elementary schools served as information Technology Seeds in Taipei and Taoyuan Counties Adviser: Dr. Sunny Lin Student: Yu-Tsz Chiang ABSTRACT This research examined how and why teachers teach with technology from the view of creative teaching. Amabile’s social context model of creativity (1996) was adopted for a generalization to teaching domain in elementary schools. The researcher constructed a reliable and valid self-report scale to measure creativity in teaching with technology and then interviewed 7 teachers. Their opinions and SWOT analyses were used for annotating those quantitative analysis acquisitions. Five questionnaires were developed, including the Creative Teaching with Technology Questionnaire – Elementary school version: Motivation in Creative Teaching, Expertise of Teaching with Technology, Beliefs and Feedbacks from Social Context, and General Creative Teaching. A total of 301 elementary teachers, having substantial experiences of teaching supported by computer and Internet, participated as subjects. The results were as follow: 1. Among 15 background variables, 6 background variables were able to predict creative teaching with technology and they explained 23.5﹪of total variances. 2.The four factors: motivation in creative teaching, expertise of teaching with technology, beliefs and feedbacks from social context and general creative teaching were correlated. 3. Among the four factors, three factors: expertise of teaching with technology, beliefs and feedbacks from social context and general creative teaching were able to predict creative teaching with technology. These three factors explained 58﹪of total variances. 4. The factors of motivation in creative teaching and feedbacks from social context could predict 34.5﹪variances of creative teaching with technology. 5. The factors of motivation in creative teaching affected expertise of teaching with technology and general creative teaching, and then mediated creative teaching with technology. 6. The content analysis of the interview data showed that teachers in Information Technology Seeds Schools engaged effortfully in creative teaching with technology. Obviously they teach in more creative manners compared with teachers in ordinary schools. They may use Power-point presentation of teaching materials, touch-and-answer system, and even cooperative learning via Internet. Teachers also ask students to use Power-point presentation, do projects using WWW materials, or use the online testing systems. Teachers offered their advices on the advantages, weakness, external chances, threats, and suggestions to other teachers, and schools that are willing to join this innovation. Their creative teaching advantages were that their higher motivation and better information skills than other teachers. The weakness was that their pedagogical-content knowledge with technology was still not enough to teach in a more creative way. They thought the social feedbacks and supports were their external chances. Finally, they reflected on the opinion of student-centeredness and learning with technology. Some suggestions were also summarized for the formation of future policies in the enhancement of adopting information technology in classrooms.. Keywords: Creative Teaching with Technology, Creativity, Innovative teaching, motivation of teaching, teaching expertise
Appears in Collections:Thesis